Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Do Your Best

Last day of the month - 31 days since goals were set and resolutions made. Now is the time to reflect on if these goals have any real meaning, are they worth continuing, or renewing effort to fulfill. Goals are important but the process is even more so - it's what we do, the daily actions, that shape the end result. If we train for a half marathon we may or may not finish the race - but if we train correctly we will look like somneone who could run a half marathon, our waist line, blood pressure and stress levels will reflect the hard effort we have put force. And on race day we can put this effort on the line and do our best - simply do our best. That's enough. We have already earned our rewards. Keep sight of what you want this year - spiritual, emotional and physical. Visualize and take daily steps - even small steps will add to miles - and again - simply do your best. It's all we can ever ask of ourselves.


Monday, January 30, 2012


We are in a state of constant becoming - even as the old fades and dies away we more then we ever were before. It's in the letting go of our tight grasp of all that's past that we acpand into a grand awareness of who we really are - we are not bodies, minds nor only a soul - we are in fact THE soul of the world and touched against all things seen and unseen that's ever been in point of all existence. We are consciousness expanded past the point of every boundry. But we don't know this. Or we don't remember - for once we were before our present point and again anew before that too. And we carry reminders of each existence though buried hidden in folds of bones and flesh and thoughts that hold us to daily time. Think back and further still to the edge of thought itself - and there we are. And again another edge - this one to memories yet to come - and there we're found ones more.
We are never ending in our state of true awareness.
Simply look,
and let go of who we thought
we really were,

Run Like Zatopek

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Sometimes it takes the trail - the road, and bike path one step removed from earth - but the trail pure ground and hallowed in its offer. The trail invites yet gives warning at once and still yearn to to follow and feel our stride against it. Rocks and roots give measure to speed and distance seems twice as far to travel. Yet times compressed to wonder and a concentrated effort singled to every step. Senses are sharpened and minute beauty sharpened. Nothing else compares,
Sometimes we need to ditch the road and head to the wild - no matter where it is we find it.

Think Outside The Box

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Over the past year I have come to really enjoy racing. This is a bit of a surprise to me as I have never been a competitive person and by nature I prefer more secluded arenas then a crowded race field. However in support of someone I care about and an effort to step outside my comfort zone I raced more last year then ever before - and loved every race (some more than others of course)I think the key to enjoying racing is quite simple - relax, detach from results and always have fun (even when it hurts)It really is "only a race" and I will always be faster than some and slower than others. No big deal. I can improve and I have a great deal and that's mainly a result of the year of racing. But my results and my improvements have no expectations attached to them other than what I choose to measure them with. And if fun and meeting a chalenge are my greatest expectations - then I will emerge a winner every time.


Friday, January 27, 2012


Einstein once said that nothing changes until something moves. And everything changes when we begin to run or walk for long distances. A long distance can mean different things for different people - a mile, two, a marathon or more. It doesn't matter - what matters is too simply give urselves to motion - physicaly, mentally and spiritually. Move without expectation or plan for arrivial - to put one foot in front of the other is to arrive. In motion we find our selves home and a ironic event begins to occur - we find ourselves growing still within. Thoughts clarify, and float within our newly quiet mind. We no longer grasp at thoughts but watch them wander trackless through our mind. Our breath, heartbeat and the rhythm of our steps become a sacred mantra and we ourselves become a holy bridge between the earth and all it offers and the heavens and what they promise. All this...and simply one foot in front of the other.

God bless,

Same Race - It's Not Over Until The Last Man's In

Look at Mills! Look at Mills...!

Eerily Accurate

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Art of The Slow Run

I love running. I love running slow and I love running fast. Yet I think too often people miss out on the art of slow running. Slow running is sight seeing and coming alive again in nature. It has no purpose other than traveling. Not having a purposes is not the same as lack of benifits. There are a host of physical benifits gained from slow runs. Yet for me the most profound of all benifits are spiritual and emotional. A slow run allows me to, first reconnect with my surroundings and then to find myself moving with nature instead of through or against it. This in its self relaxes the mind and opens the soul to new insights and expereinces. It also invites inspiration. Many of my poems have been born in motion on these runs.
Fast is wonderful.
Slow is soulful.
Both are expereinces I treasure.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Inspiration (A How To Guide Simplified)

Inspiration seems sudden. A flash of light in a darkened room and often followed by a rush to brightness. Yet the seeds of insight are planted with an openness to receive and a fertile mind willing to absorb the hints that are whispered through the mysteries of the Universe.
Ask for what you wish for.
Detach from how this gift will appear into your life. There is a great wisdom in charge - it's the same wisdo that guides the seasons in perfect harmony. We are no different than any and all of nature. Allow yourself to be guided by grace and harmony.
Be grateful.
For all things.
Watch the arid ground recieve a sudden spalsh of water.
Be like wter in your giving and the ground in your
That's harmony.
And that's what invites inspiration to our lives.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Beautiful Day

It was a beautiful day to run this morning. A strange mixture of lingering cold met with a new warmth and a sun that hid and reappeared from cloud to cloud. There was a low fog in the dips along the path that would muffle my steps and then release into sound as I lifted from its depth. Something magical in this merg of time and seasons. I ran oblivious to tired legs and heavy breathing - the day, and it's magic - carried me along.
It was a beautiful day.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Politics (a rant)

It seems to me that what is lacking in politics right now are leaders who felt a call to service as their sole, motivating reason to run. I'm sure this isn't true all the way around and I'm not taking sides between political parties. Yet watching the Republican debates and the media covering the primaries I am struck by the naked ambition of just wanting to be president for the sake of power, political prestige and the history that follows. Canidates mouth one-liners and sound bites to gather attention- but how many draw a line in the sand (again from any party) and say - "I wont do, or say such a thing just to be president." Is there a standard that a candiate simply wil not cross right now? Is it fair to race bait, call names, repeat falsehoods, and accuse incorrectly while knowing otherwise? Is it ethical to do any of this just in the name of politics? Because others may do so? Should we elect someone who has a "win at any cost" attitude? My answer is no. I wish for a leader who is assured of himself, who is thoughtful and opened minded yet has a core of ethics and values that won't be changed, and at the same time has a realization of human weakness and their inability to always hold this aim true. I want a leader who continues to lead in defeat. Who serves on even after events pass him or her by. Who talks a language of the heart and not in soundbites. Who will speak true and not be afraid that it may bring defeat. For by speaking false just to gain a victory - this person who would be called a leader - has already lost.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Eliminating stress.
We can't.
Nor should we - everything grows through stress and friction - mountains and continents and oceans were all shaped by geographical stress. We have become who we are as adults through stress and applied adaptation to it. And we continue to do so throughout our lives. The problem is that have forgotten this and have allowed ourselves to be molded in a negative fashion. The key is the realization of stress and then the modification of our behavior towards it. First we must become more attuned to our bodies, our minds and be able to sense the subtle beginnings of stress and how we react to it. Awareness of breath is always an indicator of stress and the emotions that folllow. Any type of meditation will help quiet the mind and help us become aware of our breath. Next time you are in a stressful encouter - notice the breath. When stress our breathing quickens and is seldom deep and from the diaphram. It's usually high and shallow - thus feeding the stress even more so, The simple act of recognizing this is often enough to bring a relaxation response. Notice the breath - don't try and change it (yet) just notice and watch. And then notice the thoughts that crowd through the mind. Thoughts gather and add to the storm. Simply watch them - don't try to change them (yet)Watching thoughts allows for space to be seen between the the, and space observed increases with attention. Watch the space, watch the thoughts and observe the breath. With even more awareness we can begin to feel the effects of stress throughout our bodies. This is a further step and very often by observing the breath alone we can ease the tension before it even begins to appear. Once we observe - we become active participants with our own bodies. Notice the breath, relax and watch it change its course. From high in the chest to deeper towards the belly. Breathe, relax and notice and add a smile to fall between the thoughts flashing by. Jusst a smile, a breath and then another. The space between will grow and allow for room to maybe change the course of our thoughts. If not - keep breathing, smile more. Repeat. Sounds like a lot. It is. But it only takes amoment once we become aware of our breathing. It's the art of being mindful. Stress is the trigger and by the artful response - we grow instead of react.
Try it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Snow Run

17.5 miles in the snow and ice today. Both physically and mentally taxing and yet at the same time very soothing in the quiet white it offers. I have a love/hate affair with snow running. My preference is to enoy motion and encumbered by the danger of ice and the slow stride presented by snow. It tires the legs quicker and makes 10 miles feel like 20. Not bad when you're only running 10. But with 20 on the plate...it's another matter all together. And yet there is a solitude that snow gives to even familair running paths and its shared with the few other runers that brave the cold and ice - as if an aloneness has been expanded to allow just one more. Even the crunch of foot steps is quickly given over to the the greater silence snow brings to the running field. Snow spiritualizes the run in a unique way that heat and rain simply can't for reasons only the soul knows for certain. Running in the snow is tough, hard work, most often I would wish to skip it altogether. But when it snows - I'm out there. Running. And I'm always better for it.

Friday, January 20, 2012


It's coming up on a year since I started this blog. A central theme over this year has been running. Of course the blogs title gives it awaya little bit - I'm a runner and it's a core activitiy in my life. The other key word is Spirit - and that tells the rest of the story. I run. I'm Spirit (and you are too)It's the recognition of these two, the seamless blend of what I do and who I am that provides the template to this blog and indeed to my life. Something I have longed for, for quite some time, is to bring spiritual meaning to all aspects opf my life - to be a monk within the world if you like. At times I have been closer to this ideal then others and it seems (to me) that of the past few years I have been farther than ever. This I want to change, I want to embrace spirit again (more and more fully) and live my life with a meaning that needs no validation other then what comes from within. I don't wish to simply walk this path - I want to run it, to be spirits motion to the point where it's not known where I leave off and the path itself begins. Seamless. I wish to run seamless.

At the far end of
my gaze...

There are no distinctions.

The world falls seamless to
my eyes.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Listen. (and a little story about a crow)

Today, the world seemed full of signs and whispers designed to capture my attention. Messages that hinted of deeper meanings if I could only be still enough to gather their insights. While running this morning I encountered a crow that swooped towards my hat, almost snatching it in mid-flight. Crows are often seen as omnious figures in some traditions. Personally I feel that signs and omens are open to the interpreter - not denying the thought behind Jung's collective unconscious - but the world (and its every level) are reflection of our inner selves, so every message is at once both persanal and collective. I've always liked crows, one of my favorite birds and I always acknowledge (yeah, it sounds weird) them when I see them. I have to say that I haven't figured out the message, nor the other subtle signs the day brough.
Except for this -
The Universe is talking to you.

I may not have deciphered what came to me today.
But I'm listening.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mini "Grand Slam" and The Plan

The Grand Slam of ultra running is completing the top four major 100's (yes, as in miles) in a years times. Tom Green of Columbia Md. was the first person to ever do so back in 1986. I've had the good fortune of running with Tom and he truly is an ultra lengend as well as kind and generous with his near unlimited running knowledge. My own "mini" grand slam is approaching - three 50k's between February 1th and March 3rd. With training it should be doable, yet more than training alone will be diet and recovery. These two go hand in hand for me as it's my diet that allows me to put in the hard (and some easy) miles in day after day, along with the kettlebells and other activites. A vegan (near raw) diet allows me to ease my digestive system and free it from the heavy burden of processing meat, dairy and processed food and instead repair and recover from these workouts. January 7th I ran my first 50k for the year, the day after I ran a nice easy 3 mile recovery run and in three days I was again doing speed work. or me diet is (one of) the key. Perhaps others will get great results on a meat based (Paleo) diet and that's fine - I never did endurance wise and it was damaging to my over all health so I won't go down that road again. One more key issue for my recovery has been my practice of meditation as it helps me eliminate and cope with stress on a inner level. When my mind is calm my body respnds in a sharper, more precise manner. Plus I'm happier, I run happy. And when you're on your feet for 6+ hours in a race - happy is nice (and maybe vital)
So here's my little update on current plans for goals and races and some of the stragedies I'll use to get there. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tempo, Thoughts and Stillness

I ran 11 miles today. Two sessions - 8 miles fopr my tempo run, consisting of a mile warmup, 6 miles at tempo pace nd then a mile (+) cool down. Later in the day I ran an easy 3 miles. A tempo run with running on edge, a balancing act of speed, ease and grace - if we step too quick there comes a fall from pace and too slow and the edge becomes dull. There is a limit to maintaiinng a tempo pace - we risk burnout with too long or too hard. I train this once a week. Yet many blaze through life at tempo speed, seldom slowing to the pace that leads to fulfillment. St. Augustain claimed that a fast mind was a diseased mind. Too often we confuse quick with effective. Often there will be times when we need a tempo speed of thought (or a sprint) yet if it comes from a mind that is in constant overdive it will be less effective then a mind that leaps from stillness to response. Thoughts that come from a creatibe bank of inspiration have power. They're ours to use.
My final 3 miles today were slow and easy - enjoyable and I felt refreshed and recovered from my hard effort. Tomorrow will be another slow, easy day. And when the time comes for speed of effort -
I'll be ready.


Monday, January 16, 2012

8 Point Program

One of the fist meditation practices I started with years ago was Eknath Easwaran's Passage Meditation - on discovering his book (once simply called Meditation and now known as Passage Meditation) I was instantly drawn to this practice and its promise of transformation. It has been a mainstay for almost 20 years now (alonmg with Primordial Sound Meditation and Vipassana) and lately I feel even more called to dedicate myself to this practice alog with Easwarans 8-Step Program. It's Buddhism made simple (without the lable) and the best of Chrsitianity and Hinduism as well. Here is a link desribing it in detail - http://www.easwaran.org/the-eight-point-program.html - The wonderful thing is that it does not not ask one to change religous views or affiliatons. It ask of us something much more profound and challenging - it ask that we change the very nature of our thinking. And it comes with instructions. I think this appeals to my inner athlete - the goal of transforming my life in a postive manner, strengthening my spiritual muscles if you will - it's a challenge yes, but the only truly worthwhile one of our lives. As a Course in Miracles states it's a required Course, we may only choose when we take it - not if. The 8 point program fits in nicely with the Course, and every other spiritual path and practice.
Think about it.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Total transformation - from lead to gold. This is the age of alchemy. A slight shift in my meditation practice - a return to Passage Meditation as laid out in Eknath Easwaran's 8 point program, a focus on the forgiveness practice of A Course in Miracles and leaving behind a past that no longer serves. This is my agenda. Of course life has plans of its own and often as not we are only along for the ride but the message above is on response rather than reaction to lifes unfoldment. I have goals and I may or not achieve them, they may change or I may lose interst - but my response to all of the above is where the gold lies.
And that's what I'm after.


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Plan of No Plan

My recent plan has been to come here and face an empty page with no agenda. To simply write what the moment calls for - to simply write. So far I have been pleasently surprised that ideas have come forth by inspired invitations. It's a deep bow to the Muse and the Taoist plan of "no plan" along with another read of Kerouac's Dharma Bums that allows a certain writing without care for results. The truth is I haven't been truly inspired to create - to write yes, but to commit to the creation of a poem - no. Unfortunately. But I am committed to my practice of writing, as committed as I am to my running, kettlebells and meditation. I write daily regardless of the whims of the Muse and Her whisperes of promised poetry. So I think of this as an act of courting the Muse and staying true to my practice. My one motto - it doesn't have to be good, but it has to be words on a page.
So here they are.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Grief. A natural process brought on by the (perceived) loss of another or an object. We are often told that there is a time for grief and a time for its passing. And this certainly seems so - grief lessens with time and we again fall into the rhythms of life. Yet is this eniterly so? Or do we heal on the surface for the convenience of others? To mask our grief to fit social norms and carry onwards so thoroughly that we manage to convince ourselves as well? Maybe a little of both perhaps. I love how Persian poet Rumi puts in in his poem Love Dogs- "The grief you cry out from
draws you toward union." Grief is indeed our connection to what seems lost and there is no need to recover from it. It simply is - an expression that allows to once again connect. I grieve for the loss of my mother, my marriage and closeness to family and pets and friends. I grieve for times passed when I could have loved more and held anger less. And in my grief I see both space and its collasp - once again I can connect. And once again - or maybe for once anew - I can hold this loss with love and honor and share my grief in its completion, complete now with our recognition of the briefness of each encounter. Don't give up on grief - allow its time and care for its embrace. It's pure in its connection.

God bless,

Thursday, January 12, 2012

One Year Later

Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my mothers death. Not a single day has gone by without this day being in my thoughts. I was with my mother the night before she passed - and the early morning phone call notifing us of her death came as no surprise. Still I wish I stayed there longer. I have gained a special respect for those who attend anothers suffering during these times - the care, compassion and companionship they provide is as much a comfort to the family as it is for the dying. To those who attended to my mother - God bless you, and thank you. There are two sides to my mother in my heart - the strong willed teacher who cared for me, loved me and often yelled at me (trust me...I deserved it) and the women who struggled through Alzheimer's, who grew frail and confused yet never lost her dignity, who continued teaching (often to a class of children that existed only her mind) and who allowed me to grow patient, more tender hearted and care for her in a deeply meaningful way. I miss both sides of my mother.

I always will.

Rest in Peace Mom...I love you.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Message

Being vegan is a silent reflection of my spirituality. That's not to say that I am not at times vocal about my vegan stance - but I think of that as more of a ethical and health stance than spiritual. I feel very fortunate that my diet is health producing - because at a certain point in my life I could no longer be a participant within a circle of cruelty that began and ended with myself and an mindless appitite. My highest self demanded to be met with equal compassion and empathy by my very human self that was living this live of blind consumption. And when the two collide something has to give - and the will of spirit is unbending when fully confronted. I changed. Slowly (and at times not so slow) I became the person who would put aside his taste for flesh and instead choose (healthier) his meal with a higher intent. My life - spiritualy, health wise, ethically - has become immeasuralbly richer with every meal choosen thus. In this way - my life has become my message.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


There is something about a blank page (or screen) that is at once intiminating and inspiring. Day after I day I face my own emptiness reflected back from the page - and depending on the depth of my insight - I see either promise or a void that swallows will and creativity. Meditation helps dispell the clouds of fear and doubt that color this reflection. Meditation creates space and space allows for freedom of choce and gives room for action. My choice, my action - is to invoke the Muse and write.
And here it is.


Is Cooked Food Addiction a Growing Trend in Raw Leaders? Raw & Beyond by Victoria Boutenko Reviewed | Frederic Patenaude Raw Foods Diet

Is 100% raw necessary for optimum health? Excellent review of a new book here with some (raw? cooked?) food for thought. Personally I have been including one cooked (vegan of course) meal a day and feel great. Could I feel better 100% raw? I don't know, maybe, but right now I'm enjoying whatr I eat, I stay mainly oil free and strive for 80/10/10 in my caloric intake. My recovery is great, my strength is improving and my endurance and immune system are both fine. I'm all for making changes as needed though so we'll see. Enjoy the review below. Fredrick is an author with uncommon good sense and advice so I respect his views.

Is Cooked Food Addiction a Growing Trend in Raw Leaders? Raw & Beyond by Victoria Boutenko Reviewed | Frederic Patenaude Raw Foods Diet

Monday, January 9, 2012

Favorite Races of 2011

I was fortunate to race quite a few times in 2011 and every racwas enjoyable and challenging in its own way. But a few stand out for meaningful resons to me -
(in no significant order)
1. Catoctin - I really worked hard for this race, both training wise and racing. This 50k is as tough as they come, it's relentless. You're either going up (very steeply) or down (very, very steeply) with nothing in between. Except rocks. Lots and lots of rocks (and roots)Even going off course for a few miles didn't subtract from the race but only added to the great story of finally getting my Cat Card. I'm already in training for this year!
2. The North Face Enduance Challenge - this is the perfect 50k. scenic, with just enough hills to present a challenge but not enough to sink your enthusiasm. In 2010 I did the 50 mile version. That sunk my enthusiasm. Too many laps around freat falls in near 100 degree heat and over 90% umidity will sink anything. But the 50k is a fun race and even more so Moca set a PR and ran a near perfect race. Everything came together nicely for her and it was great to see her finish with a sprint and the enthusiasm and happy that only a great race can bring. This race is nearly tied with -
3. Trail Dawgs Triple Crown Trail Marathon - Again I ran this with Moca and she ran another great race (although this was first)After a double shift and no sleep in the car this was a tough race for her and she came through tough and determined. The highlight for me was the multiple stream crossings. Just a fun day on a pretty course with great people. Doesn't get much better.
It's hard to pick a single half marathon to make the list. I really like halfs as it gives me a chance to lay it down a little more then I do (or can) in an ultra. But my pick here is -
4. Freedom's Run Half Marathon - it's a beautiful course, I ran and met with good friends and it's an historical surrounding that adds to the meaning of the day. But this was the race where Matt really broke through as a runner. A massive PR of about 20 minutes the week after a fun but dissapointing Conestoga 10 mile Trail race (not on the list this year but usually is)I think this was first race where Matt actually RACED and he saw (and shoed others) what he could do.

So those are my favortes for the year. I could pick more and find reasons in each race to add them to the list. But for the reasons stated above - these races really have a special meaning to me.
I'm ready to add to the list this year and create new and exciting moments!

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Running to Realization

It was a beautiful day to run yesterday. 50k on the bike paths and trails of my hometown, a great group of people to run along side of, and some solo running where I had to dig ery much within to run with the grace and attitude I wished for. In all regards (the ups and downs) it was a perfect day. This becomes (for me) the essence of what running with spirit is all about - it's the art of allowing, of acceptence, and at the same time the deep realization that what is allowed does not rule our inner world. Everything changes and the high of a perfect stride will fall to a stumble of pain both mental and physical - and this too won't last for long.
I believe that this knowledge - when realized fully and applied - will no more to help me a runner (and person) then years of training alone ever will.
Time will tell.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Race Review - Nelson's Fat Ass 50k

Not a full race review but a quick note on Nelson's Fat Ass 50k. Great turnout (well over 50 people I would say) and a beautiful day for a run - the longer the better! Well...longer didn't do me well today. But I did cover the distance (and only got briefly turned around once)It was great seeing old and new friends alike and the opportunity to run with the lengendary Tom Green made the long day worth every moment. Tom is the frst man to run the Ultra Grand Slam (4 top 100s in a year) and is a wealth of information and good spirit. Thanks Tom!
Some problems I had:
New Merell Trail Gloves ate up my feet. First real (major) issue I've had with these shoes. The last half of the trail section was a bit rockier than I remembered as well and that took a bit out of my feet as well. They're (my feet) aren't as "trail seasoned" for the barefeet shoes as they once were. I'll fix that though.
The last three aid stations were completely out of water and I got fairly dehydrated. Fixing that now too. That's part of the Fat Ass challenge - the unexpected always happens, I should have expected that.
I also only took one bar and two gels with me as I though I would finish an easy sub six. But that didn't happen and I was definitely under fueled. I'm fixing that now too.
Ok, I ran it in 6:33:18 not my best (same course two years ago) and not my worse (I don't want to talk about it)But I had fun and I'm on track for my own mini grand slam of three 50ks in less than a month (starting Febuary).
A big thanks to Andy for running the first half with me - you're a demon going down hill!

And thanks for reading!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Tomorrow comes the first 50k of the year - a Fat Ass, low key, minimal support and close to home. As of this moment my legs are a bit tired and my mind is unmotivated. And that's perfect. No pressure to finish tomorrow, to PR, or even try my best. Tomorrow is just a run and I will be joined by friends and fellow runners of all abiliites. And we will all run our own race. Again - perfect. In the back of my mind is the inkling of a desire to finish the whole 50k - it would be a great way to start the year and keep me on pace for a string of 50ks that have a little more meaning for me. It could also push me towards over training.
So the day is open.
I will run until I no longer wish to run - 5k to 50k.
I wil be as open as the day.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Running With The Law of Least Effort

My goal this year is to run. A lot. Lots of races and lots of miles. Yet more so my goal is to run with grace and follow the Vedic law of least effort. To watch some people run it seems they are locked into a life and death struggle with their own stride, their own body and their own soul and emotions. And this is just a "training" run and not even a race. My goal is to embrace the expereince of running and not fight the struggle - but to accept, detach and continue. To run with the elements and not against them. To acknowledge pain yet not be defeated. To run with joy through all moments and be released from expectations. Tall order? Maybe. But I think it may be easier than it sounds and the answer lies in the moment by moment acceptence of what is now and then a quick release to the emptiness of what may be - the promise new possibilities. Repeat as needed. It's the plan of "no plan" and the simple patteren of a single step oft repeated.

Good luck to all runners - whether it be by feet or spirit.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Spirit's Fuel

Tip of the day:
Don't rely on will power to see you through to resolutions end. It won't work - for long. Will power is a wonderful tool for a short burst to completion, or to keep from dropping midway through or even in that tough beginning week when our healthy, spiritual habits have yet to take hold. Yet for endurance - physical, mental and spirtual - will power alone will not help us to the end. What we need here are purely spiritual and emotional tools. It's not that our wills are weak - but that out spirit is stronger still by far. We need to join forces and use the will to bring us to spirit where we can detach from the outcome and rely on the wings of intent and purpose to see us through. Will power is ours alone but intent is joined with the will of God. This makes us unstoppable. We can detach because we are at shared purpose with God and the space allowed from detachment brings us a new vision of faith and trust. Will power is straight ahead and when the will weakens (as it must in finite power) we all too often falter and step from spirits path. Intent is the fuel of endurance and keeps us true to the path through its many (and many) twist and turns and often unseen byways.
State what you want.
Write it down.
And begin as in all beginnings - with a single step and faith filled heart.

My prayers are with you - in all that you dare.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Running (and other stuff) With Spirit

Here's how it ties together -
everything is Spirit
anything can become our meditation
everyone has moments of pure bliss in motion
And that's Running With Spirit.

Ideally there should be no place where our spirituality leaves off and our running, diet, profession, hobby begins. Our diet is a direct reflection of our spiritual ideals. Do we honor our bodies? Then keep it clean. Do we honor the lives of creatures that share this planent with us? Then tread them with respect. Not everyone will become a vegan - but each of us can choose where our money goes (shopping) in regard to the cruelty of animals. Yes, it takes thought, commitment and even courage to pursue a cause that many dismiss at best and openly mock at (their) worst - and that's where spirit comes in (again) Spirit knows only truth and when embraced frees us from the slings and arrows of others who have yet to face their own dark side and emerge with a clear(er) agenda to pursue.
This is our year my friends.
This is the year we run together
This is the year we join in spirit and pursue a
higher agenda.
Starting right here, right now.

God bless,

Monday, January 2, 2012

Does Your Resolution Have Heart?

Of all resolutions there really is only one that matters - and it incorperates all goals and resolutions within it.
Here is a simple reminder from Carlos Castaneda:
“Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't then it is of no use to us.”
A path with heart is one with compassion, kindness, selflessness and above all the knowledge of each path being shared by God. No resolution is complete nor whole without heart - it's a path without end that we our cursed to follow through it's many twist and folds, thinking we are making progress while continueing to be hopelessly mired in our own thoughts of incompletion. Only with Spirit are we complete and we only arrive there upon a path with heart.

My wish is for each to find this path...and travel true.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolutions, Intentions and Stuff

Happy New Year Everyone!
A few words on resolutions -
I like this word.
It has strong meaning - to resove to bring an idea to fruition, to its rightful conclusion. It's a powerful word. Toltec Seer and author Carlos Castenada would often talk about the active force of Intent in the Universe and how we could join this force for the undertaking of a great task. This is resolve - the joining of our personal intent with that of the Universe. In knowing that Intent is an active force we can actually relax our "will power" a bit and allow the Universe to conspire to our good fortunes. And that's the key, relax, detach from the outcome in full knowlede that this Universal conspiracy is taking place. Our part is to dream, to invision, and act in the postitive manner that our dreams dictate. Do you wish to run a marathon this year? (or qualify for Boston?)Then plant the seed of Intent and water this seed with the desire of each step within a well formed training plan (and diet and rest)and allow the dream to unfold. The Universe loves Motion (and the stillness from which it springs from)and on the wings of intent you will fly. I promise.

For myself -
I want to run this year.
A little farther.
A little faster.

I want to continue lifting -
a little heavier.

I want to write -
More often.
With more passion.

I want to be still -

I want to love -

And I want to share -
Little things,
about diet, running, fitness, meditation, poetry.

These are my Intentions.
Please know that my Intent is joined with yours for
all things postive.
