Sunday, January 22, 2012


Eliminating stress.
We can't.
Nor should we - everything grows through stress and friction - mountains and continents and oceans were all shaped by geographical stress. We have become who we are as adults through stress and applied adaptation to it. And we continue to do so throughout our lives. The problem is that have forgotten this and have allowed ourselves to be molded in a negative fashion. The key is the realization of stress and then the modification of our behavior towards it. First we must become more attuned to our bodies, our minds and be able to sense the subtle beginnings of stress and how we react to it. Awareness of breath is always an indicator of stress and the emotions that folllow. Any type of meditation will help quiet the mind and help us become aware of our breath. Next time you are in a stressful encouter - notice the breath. When stress our breathing quickens and is seldom deep and from the diaphram. It's usually high and shallow - thus feeding the stress even more so, The simple act of recognizing this is often enough to bring a relaxation response. Notice the breath - don't try and change it (yet) just notice and watch. And then notice the thoughts that crowd through the mind. Thoughts gather and add to the storm. Simply watch them - don't try to change them (yet)Watching thoughts allows for space to be seen between the the, and space observed increases with attention. Watch the space, watch the thoughts and observe the breath. With even more awareness we can begin to feel the effects of stress throughout our bodies. This is a further step and very often by observing the breath alone we can ease the tension before it even begins to appear. Once we observe - we become active participants with our own bodies. Notice the breath, relax and watch it change its course. From high in the chest to deeper towards the belly. Breathe, relax and notice and add a smile to fall between the thoughts flashing by. Jusst a smile, a breath and then another. The space between will grow and allow for room to maybe change the course of our thoughts. If not - keep breathing, smile more. Repeat. Sounds like a lot. It is. But it only takes amoment once we become aware of our breathing. It's the art of being mindful. Stress is the trigger and by the artful response - we grow instead of react.
Try it.

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