Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Todays Workout - 11/29/11

Todays workout -
1. Half snatch - @20kg 6:00 82 reps
2. Jerk set -@22kgs 1:00
3. Feet elevated pushups -3x10
4. Alternating lunge - 1x20
5. Leg raise -1x15
6. Run - 4.15 (2@tempo) bike path

Tempo speed is slow to come back but no real hurry. Half marathon on the 11th but not sure if I'll be racing it or just using it as a slower, extended temo run. Thoughts are shaping up for races in the upcoming year and things should be fun and exciting!

Good Morning

Breathed...against me and
again the world
sighs -

Good morning.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Workout and Turkey Rant

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and ate well and ate healthy! I hope you all spared a turkey and continue to do so through the holidays and the upcoming year. If you're going to eat one - go hunting (if you must)They're tough, smart birds and have a better chance against you then most hunted animals and definitely more so then the poor animals that are tortuted for our "happy" meals.
Anyway - here's what I did today:
1. Long cycle -@16kgs 5:00 36 reps
2. Alternating sheild cast -@15lbs 3x12
3. Close grip chins - 1x5, 1x3@8kgs 1x1@12kgs
4. Plank -1:00

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Training Log - 11/23/11

Todays workout -
1. Long cycle -@20kgs 3:00 14 reps
2. Side swipe -@15lbs 2x15
3. Pullups/pushups/close grip chins/pushups - 5/15/5/15
4. Run - bike path 4.30 (Bikilas LS)

Nice, Simple Routine For Lower Leg Health

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Todays Workout and Vegan Recovery Rant

Todays workout -
1. Half snatch -@20kg 6:00 80 reps
2. Pushups -106 reps@5:00
3. Leg raise - 1x15
4. Run - 3.25 (10:00@tempo pace)

Recovering very nicely. It's amazing what a vegan diet can do for an athlete, especially an endurance athlete. Even as a vegetarian (I included dairy, eggs and on occasion, fish, in my diet) I never expereinced the rapid recovery that I do now. I can talk about this until I am blue in the face and it will still be doubted until an athlete (or non athlete) commits to the practice (and it is a practice for quite some time) and expereinces it for themselves. Three days after a 55 mile ultra and I am doing speedwork. That's proof enough for me.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Race Review - Stone Mill 50M 11/19/11

The Stone Mill 50 is in it's second year and what started out as a "Fat Ass" race for JFK 50 orphans (JFK is one of the lonest running ultras in the country and has become extremely difficult to register for) has turned into a fine event of its own. Race director Doug Sullivan and all the volunteers did a remarkable job of turning this smaller race into highly enjoyable, competive ultra. A first class event and thank you Doug and all the volunteers who stood out in the cold, met every need of each runner and listened to our complaints about GPS milage. (More on that later)
My goal was to break 11:00 for this race and with a 6:00am start and daylight savings time I wanted to minimize my night running time. Both goals pretty much went out the window but not for lack of trying. Stone Mill is a highly runnable course and definitely a PR course (I believe) for a 50. What kept the goal out of reach (mainly) was a slightly longer course than expected (more on that later) The course itself is mostly single track with a bit of road thrown in and some time spent on the C&O Canal, which was really a nice touch as our spiritual running brothers and sisters out at JFK would be spending some 30 odd miles running north of us along the canal as well. Nice to feel connected to a larger community (those suffering along with us)I have to say that I enjoyed every aspect of the course with my favorite being the pine forest area in the later miles. If anyone wishes for a tast of the course Seneca Creek 50k runs along the same trail and is held in March.
The more ultras you run the more each event feels like a reunion and it was great to see my runing buddies and play tag with a few (thanks Judith!)
and run into others later (nice seeing you Hai and Grace) as well as those who attend with you (Moca, Matt and Melissa who all ran great races!)These friends really help the miles fly (sort of)and a big thanks to you all.
On a note about gear I wore my NB 101 after a long debate with myself about going more minimal (Merrell Trail Gloves) After a few miles in I really regretted not having my Merrells. Not because of any shoe problems but that it's such a runnable course that the Trail Gloves would have handled perfectly. So next year I know. I also wore the Nathen Running Vest and it was great! Highly reccomend it and I'll find a link later to post for all to see. It held everything I needed and was completely comfortable. Also my Garmin GPS (305) lasted, remarkably, the entire race. Very often it gives out on 50ks so this was a great surprise. That covers gear. Along these lines let me add that since it was cold I started out with an Under Armour long sleeve top and a polyester shell over it (I was in shorts and hat as well - don't wan't you to think naked thoughts) and this was a fine combo to start with but I ditched the jacket around the halfway point as I was on target for time goal, it was warming up and I didn't see the need to keep it any longer. This was a mistake and where the mileage mix up comes in. It's also my only (minor for me) complaint. The race proved longer than the 50 (an email was sent out saying 51.5 the night before and it was longer than that as well)so I spent more time running in the dark than planned. After one major stream crossing (crossed it twice actually) a chill crept in and I really wished for that jacket, especially as it was hard to gather any speed in the dark with my headlamp offering a dim view after only a few feet. I ahve heard the milage reported anywhere from 54-56 with my GPS saying 55. Either way it's a distance PR for me and I'm happy - no complaints. I got to prctice night running along the trails and it gives me great confidence for longer races in the future (100k in March?)Others however felt a bit mislead about the distance as they were unable to plan for the longer time. Not really sure how this all came about but I'm sure it will be explained and the bugs further worked out for next year. These events are tough to put together and over all everyone connected with it did a excellent job. Again a big thank you!
So it was a great race altogther and one I'll be back for. Two days out and I'm feeling more recovered (Vegan power bitches!) and ready to rock another event. Maybe a Turkey Trot 5k Thursday!
Thanks for reading everyone.

Thanksgiving Rant

I'm a little disturbed on hearing reports that workers at Target, Walmart, and other retail stores will be asked to report for work Thanksgiving evening or by 12:00am Friday morning. It's a holiday for everyone. If you need something - buy it the day before. Or the day after. The era of "Black Friday" should be over. The mad rush to buy, comsume, to have bleeds us dry spiritually. Enjoy Thanksgiving - stay in, eat (healthy)spend time with your family, watch football or the first airing of It's Wonderful Life for the season. Enjoy Christmas - but keep the stress at bay, it's a spiritual holiday first. It's the birth of Christ and Christ is alive within us all - so it is our day to give birth to the spiritual aspect of ourselves, the loving aspect. Give yourself the gift of peace first, then extend it towards other. And maybe then buy the toy, clothes, gift for a loved one. Or maybe again just offer them your love. It's the greatest gift we have to share.
God Bless.

Todays Workout - 11/21/11

Todays workout -
1. Jerk set -@20kgs 3:00 16 reps
2. Double swipes -215lbs 2x10
3. Alternating lunges - 1x20
4. Pullups/close grip chins - 5/4
5. Plank -1:00
6. Run - bike path 2.60

Recovering nicely after race/ Hopefully I'll have a race report up tonight or tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Todays Workout- 11/14/11

Todays workout -
1. Jerk set -@20kgs 3:00 18 reps
2. Double swipes -@15lbs 1x10 1x12 1x15
3. Pushups - @5:00 124 reps
4. Leg raise - 1x20
5. Run - 2.20 Bike path (Bikilas)

I always seem to feel worse while tapering - things that didn't hurt before suddenly begin to ache and my legs feel heavy. Fortunetly it seems to turn around on race day so it all pays off in the end.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Shoe Thoughts And Training Log

Todays workout -
1. Half snatch -@20kg 6:00 75 reps
2. Pullups -@5:00 20 reps
3. Mills -@10lbs 2x15
4. Pushups - (feet elevated) 3x10
5. Aternating lunge - 1x20
6. Fit ball crunch-1x15 9with 10lbs med ball)

A week out from race and the shoe debate begins (and continues)my thoughts were pretty much settled on a new pair of NB Minimus but haven't been able to find the right size and I don't feel like I have been as lucky in these shoes for higher milage as I have been in the Merrell Trail Glove. I'm also worried about the extra distance in minimal shoes as most of my running in these shoes have been 50k and under. With that I mean I start to lean towards the NB 101 which have always served me well until some blisering in the Conestoga 10 miler last month. See the problem?
Stay tuned for answers.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Workout and Race Thoughts

10 days out from race - and nows the time for second guessing. It's a mind gane and one that doesn't serve well as the trainings in and if it isn't...well nothing can be done about now anyway. I'm thinking I could have used a 50k somewhere between July's Cat and Octobers marathon. It may not matter but it would have been great for confidence. On another note I have gotten plenty of speed work in so that has left my legs feeling pretty strong. I think the race will come down to time managment and walk breaks (plus fueling) so it will call for a msart race above all else. We'll see if that's my strong suit!
Here's todays training -

1. Jerk set -!@20kgs 3:00
2. Alternating sheild cast -@15lbs 3x12
3. Plank -1:00
4. Alternating lunge -2x20
5. Pullups/close grip chins -7/5
6. Run - 4.33 bike path (Bikilas LS)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Todays Workout and Thoughts

Todays workout -

1. Half snatch -@20kg 6:00 55 reps (switch whenever)
2. Torch press -@(2)15lbs 3x5
3. Alternating lunge -1x30
4. Pushups - 122reps@5:00
5. Leg raise -1x20
6. Run - bike path 5.10 (3.05 @7:53 tempo)

11 days out from 50 - reduced milage but kept intenisty fairly high. Everything drops back from here on out - need fresh legs and everything else will fall into place. Training is there. All esle is mental.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekend Training And Today

Great weekend running and training although I skipped the Grapevine 8k (more for mental reasons than physical) and ran 11 on the bike paths Saturday and 9 on the trails Sunday. Both felt light and easy. At this point I'm as ready as I will be for StoneMill 50 in 12 days. Time to rest, run and rest some more.
Here's todays workout -

1. Long cycle -@20kgs 3x1:00
2. Shield cast-@15lb 2x10 (per side)
3. Alternating lunge - 2x20
4. Pullups/pushups -18/62 ( supersetted for 5:00)
5. Fit ball crunch - 1x25
6. Run - bike path 4.03 (Bikilas LS)

Running Form With Chris McDougall

Here's Chris McDougall (Born to Run...as if you didn't know) teaching a running technique called the Hundred Up. He claims it teaches a full proof way to run, injury free with ese and grace. I see no reason to doubt him. I have done similar drills before with great results and I will add this into my present program. I find that even after years of working on my form I still fall into old habits as I tired and it never hurts to re-enforce proper technique and form. So here it is...amnd thanks Chris!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Truth Speaking

Race Thoughts (Stone Mill 50m) and Training Log

Todays training -
1. Long cycle -@16kgs 3x1:00 (minute rest between sets) 8rpm
2. Swipes -@(2)15lbs 2x10
3. Pushup routine -20/10/10/10 (reg/close/wide/pike)
4. Alternating lunge - 2x10
5. Fit ball crunch - 1x25
6. Run - bike path 5.30 (Bikiilas)

Run - road/bike path 3.70 (Bikilas)

I'm going to try to push for 50 miles this week although I'll be ok with 45+ too. I'm 18 days out from the 50nad starting to think race plans and even what may come after. I'll save the after for another post though. As far as race plans - I would like to break 12 hours by a comfortable margin. What that means I'm not sure yet - except that I doubt I'll push hard for a 10 hour finish. Now if I'm feeling strong and it looks like it may be in reach - well that's another story, We'll see on race day. But for now I just want to run another 50 and have found, enjoy the (long) day and let that time (sorta) fall into it's own groove. I am planning on 15/5 ratio of running and walking with hill walks thrown in wherever they appear - although I do like running hills. 50 miles is a long run so it will be best to curb my enthusiasm for at least a bit. For right now though - I feel redy for whatever the day brings. Stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dr. Doug Graham On Nutrition and Recovery

Doug Graham's book 80/10/10 could and should be the modern bible for sports nutrition and recovery as well as a guideline on optimum living and health. Here he is speaking on recovery for the endurance athlete -

Some Training and Some Thoughts

Todays workout -
1. Long cycle -@16kgs 5:00 32 reps
2. Mills-@10lbs 2x15
3. Plank -1:00
4. Pullups/close grip chins -6/5
5. alternating lunges - 1x20
6. Run - bike path 7.0 (5.0@tempo)

I hit the 5 mile mark at39.44 with an average pace of 7:56 - not too far off the pace I would need to qualify for Boston (not yet a goal but the seed has been planted)This was a great tempo run for me but also serves to show me how much farther I have yet to go as far s spped (and distance for that matter) go. It's nice to have a clear path ahead and know it's heading in the right direction (health, longevity, joy and purpose)I wish this for everyone.