Friday, November 25, 2011

Workout and Turkey Rant

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and ate well and ate healthy! I hope you all spared a turkey and continue to do so through the holidays and the upcoming year. If you're going to eat one - go hunting (if you must)They're tough, smart birds and have a better chance against you then most hunted animals and definitely more so then the poor animals that are tortuted for our "happy" meals.
Anyway - here's what I did today:
1. Long cycle -@16kgs 5:00 36 reps
2. Alternating sheild cast -@15lbs 3x12
3. Close grip chins - 1x5, 1x3@8kgs 1x1@12kgs
4. Plank -1:00

Thanks for reading!

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