Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Workout and Race Thoughts

10 days out from race - and nows the time for second guessing. It's a mind gane and one that doesn't serve well as the trainings in and if it isn't...well nothing can be done about now anyway. I'm thinking I could have used a 50k somewhere between July's Cat and Octobers marathon. It may not matter but it would have been great for confidence. On another note I have gotten plenty of speed work in so that has left my legs feeling pretty strong. I think the race will come down to time managment and walk breaks (plus fueling) so it will call for a msart race above all else. We'll see if that's my strong suit!
Here's todays training -

1. Jerk set -!@20kgs 3:00
2. Alternating sheild cast -@15lbs 3x12
3. Plank -1:00
4. Alternating lunge -2x20
5. Pullups/close grip chins -7/5
6. Run - 4.33 bike path (Bikilas LS)

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