Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Some Training and Some Thoughts

Todays workout -
1. Long cycle -@16kgs 5:00 32 reps
2. Mills-@10lbs 2x15
3. Plank -1:00
4. Pullups/close grip chins -6/5
5. alternating lunges - 1x20
6. Run - bike path 7.0 (5.0@tempo)

I hit the 5 mile mark at39.44 with an average pace of 7:56 - not too far off the pace I would need to qualify for Boston (not yet a goal but the seed has been planted)This was a great tempo run for me but also serves to show me how much farther I have yet to go as far s spped (and distance for that matter) go. It's nice to have a clear path ahead and know it's heading in the right direction (health, longevity, joy and purpose)I wish this for everyone.

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