Monday, October 31, 2011

Training Thoughts and Todays Workout

Todays training -
1. Long cycle -@20kgs 3:00
2. Clubbells Gamma cast to fron press -@15lgs 2x10
3. Alternating lunge -2x20
4. Pushups -125reps@5:00
5. Run - bike path 3.0

Good time to taper - feel like I'm walking a fine line of strength and speed and over all fatiuge at once. Still some hard runing to do but the time for distance is pretty much done until the 50. Tapering is actually harder for me than the training as I feel like I should always be doing more. I know better - and mostly I listen to my self. But still there's a nagging voice urging for more, faster and even more. Hopefully I know better by now. I am older f not a little wiser. We'll see.

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