Friday, April 29, 2016

Touching Both

I accept this paradox - miles
tracked yet distance

And so I travel - touching both
ground and the sky above.


Thursday, April 28, 2016

A Kind Of Surrender

A kind of a surrender - and yet not self given to a thing or to another, but a subtle annihilation of this concept we hold as self. We, as a separate entity, are replaced in the favor of one thing viewed as a singular flow of life. It has been this all along - only now, as surrendered, we are not seen apart but as the whole. One thing. There is new meaning to our travels. No longer a bridge across distance - our steps are simply a self caress through the illusion of time. We always arrive here - again at the point of our surrender.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Roam Without Specifics

Our very quest for distance - takes place in distance.
And not another step is

There is no effort to arrive, our existence is spread endless past horizons. It's this absence of a particular self - located to a single point, bound by measured thought and time - that offers us a freedom to roam without specifics. We are not found in one space. We are space itself, distance, and therefore can't be known by an effort to achieve. It's all right here. Everything. Running only serves to show us aspects of our reach.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Revelations In Distance

This paradox-  distance both sudden and subtle in its revelation. Existing before a measured thought and still again in viewed completion. There is always an unfolding of singularity in the appearance of objects. Everything is included in distance. In this truth there is no arrival - only the immediacy of a single step and the grace that spreads in this awareness.


Monday, April 25, 2016

Stories Told - But Never Truth

Our truth isn't told - it's shared beyond the hold of thought and spoken word. It's lived, and more it is life itself in every expression. Our bodies respond to truth in an ache of longing and reach for distance. We know that we are more. Yet stories soon follow and this once pure moment no longer belongs to truth and wonder. Everything fits within the perfection of awareness. That's the primordial before of every thought, word, and action. It's our truth. It's always present. It's who we are. Everything else is just a story.

As for running - breath, steps, and distance are true. Stay in the reality. Stories may arise. Return to the truth of breath, steps, and distance.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

For This Alone

Immeasurable - yet still there is wandering. Unconcerned of borders made and numbers now assigned we are free to simply explore the limitless access presented by the path. And without measure - everything is our path and everywhere is a call to roam. Our world expands for this alone.


Saturday, April 23, 2016

Equal Measure

In equal measure- the infinite, and
where we stand now.

Distance is the reach of all things.


Friday, April 22, 2016

Passed Through

Passed through - and all that
remains is our open
capacity of

We are the allowing - the spaciousness that proves to be the passing ground of all things. It's this open capacity of being that brings distance through us and not our steps to it. We are stillness and cannot move past the point that contains everything. Nothing happens outside of awareness. To this extent distance is simply the stretch of our attention. Allow the body to wander - that which lies further will surely pass through. We abide as pure awareness. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Singular Landscape

No end to distance - even touched against us the infinite continues in its presence. Indeed we are of infinite design - a singular landscape stretched in distance. We are one thing. One vision, regardless of the view.

Our steps don't deliver us to distance - they bring us to the realization every seeker deeply knows: No farther than air against the flesh; our very reach connects us to the world.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A Prayer From Nothing

This prayer - from nothing and asking only to return. In truth we only believe that we are absent from the grand absence of self that is the template for all things to be. There is no need to return from this point of absolute stillness. Everything passes through us and yet we remain within this only moment of existence. Our prayer is offered from nothing, to nothing, and in this we hope to remember our true capacity of unconditional allowance.

To be nothing does not mean nonexistence - indeed it's the underlying emptiness that allows existence to be form and the formless to pass unopposed within us. To be nothing is to know ourselves as the touch of all things. So to see distance, but not a runner, is to find our true reflection in the spaciousness of earth and sky.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Not To Measure

The goal is not to measure but to know ourselves as the very reach of distance - expanding past our personal borders and touch again against the infinite. This is our truth beyond measure - it's our unlimited capacity to include and allow all things to simply be within awareness. It's who we are. We cannot find distance. It's the elusive stretch of our own existence - always slightly past the grasp of mind and ego, yet present in its embrace just the same.

Even while we search - it's all right here.


Monday, April 18, 2016


Our touch against the earth is just confirmation of what we know beyond the senses. We are not separate from ground or sky. There is no such thing as distance. Our steps are in a constant embrace of the very spaciousness they seek to find. The end result is right here. And yet to seek is the perfection of their nature. Our desire is pure and without this seeking we would miss the path that spreads itself for the sake of pleasure. Desire, seeking, and the conclusion of it all contained as one within the moment is its own fulfillment. There is no need to understand - every step is confirmation.


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Our One Step

It's our belonging - not as part but as the whole of existence. We are earth, and air, in different form. We are ocean, and we are rain. There is no place of leaving off - only a shift of our attention to the immediacy of here. In truth it is all here - everywhere. Awareness is broader than our attention. There is nothing not embraced by this belonging.

As we run - our attention shifts from the immediacy of breath, and steps to the broader spectrum of air and earth. We sense the connection between the minute step and the earth and broader still to the all that connects within the infinite. Nothing is missing. It puts distance into perspective - right here, our one step, is in line with the continuation of all in existence. This one step. Pretty cool.


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Our Own Terrain

And now distance no longer seems so far away. Spaciousness rediscovered by breath and steps and it all becomes seen again as just an aspect of ourselves. There is nowhere to be but here and indeed nowhere else we will ever be. To measure this is in the impossible grasp of bird knowing air as anything other then itself. We are within distance -but more distance is within us and unfolds to its own wonder and mystery. We are less runners than we are explorers of our own terrain. Distance is our own magic.

Don't be fooled by arbitrary numbers. Distance can't be measured and every run is full in its completion.


Friday, April 15, 2016


With the sky - and from this grace of wings and air there is flight. Even from the ground, I know that I too, am part of this expression. Joined in the holiness common to our moment shared. Nothing separates the bird in flight from my gaze and we both extend further in our touch against the sky. And now, with my own feet given to the ground - there is grace in steps, breath and the flight that continues on above.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Infinite Expressions

Infinite expressions - from our own spacious center there is no line drawn to keep as separate from the world. We are the shifting mood of nature. One scene becomes the totality of our existence until again the world shifts in view and meaning. This glimpse - ever expanding from sight and yet always in continuation, becomes the limitless reach of who we truly are. From our own spacious center - we exist in every infinite expression of the world.

We run - defined only by our farthest view. Our gaze, fixed always on the infinite.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

No True Point Of Origin

With no true point of origin - there's just one thing continuous in existence. We have emerged only in appearance and even this is deceiving. Do we leave off at the touch of air upon the skin? There is no line drawn between the two. With eyes closed even the false borders that hold us to the flesh disappear. It's only the thought of our separate existence that weighs us within a moment. Our essence is weightless, timeless, and free. Yet we freely play the game of place and distance for the joy of a single step taken. We are life expressed as aspects of living and nothing is truly separate from us. We are not deceived by the senses but are given in pleasure to their entrapment. Life. This is our one great stretch of living, nothing goes beyond this, there is only existence in many and every guise. Run, breathe, and simply live. It's all life. It's all love.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

From Here

We are the origin, the still-point of allowance - steps, path, and distance all unfold from here. Even the runner is an appearance within this existence. Nothing can be separate from this single emergence of the world. It's all here. It's who we are.

Distance now, is simplified - there is nowhere to go and we're already there. Running is the reconciliation of this paradox.


Monday, April 11, 2016

A Grace Of Passage

Stillness - and this is our allowing place. There is a grace of passage from unseen to the form of world and motion. We are witness to the birth of all things. It's our presence that lies as a template for the spread of distance and for each step that seeks to know the truth of its existence. From stillness - we are, and always remain. This is the reality that lets the world appear, brief within the infinite, and again fold back within the stillness of awareness.
A time for all things.

Even running - we are still in essence. Distance unfolds from here.


Sunday, April 10, 2016

A Mystery And Pleasure To Ourselves

Formlessness - and from here there comes the path for steps to follow. It's one source. A traveler seeks forgetfulness for the joy of rediscovery. The great mystery is not of who we are, but of when there is a recognition of path and steps as one. We are the mystery as well as the appearance of a traveler. Yet even we don't know the moment we'll awaken. We're a mystery and pleasure to ourselves. It's why we keep traveling.


Saturday, April 9, 2016

Point Of Measure

Our steps - embraced by distance even as they seek a point of measure. There is no destination. We find ourselves complete through reach and finished touch. At no point are we removed from the reality of all that is. It's all right here.

To run like this - touched against our own completion. There is nowhere else we need to be.


Friday, April 8, 2016

We Are (But Only For The Sake Of Joy)

Only steps - and no runner found absent from the path itself. There is no effort to achieve a destination. It's all right here. Now. Existing as the moment, yet prior to as well, and still again after. Action is it's own cause and the fulfillment of its own desire. A runner is necessary only for the witness of this effect. We are - for the sake of joy.


Thursday, April 7, 2016

It's Not About Letting Go

It's not about letting go - for even this is a subtle thought to cling to. All things pass on their own accord without the hindrance of a wish to leave. Our acceptance is the view of this passing. We abide as the awareness that allows, embraces and accepts the moving on. Everything is already let go and surrendered to the moment of its existence. Only our thoughts with for more and even this will soon be gone. Accept. It's our very nature.

Our every step is let go and first accepted by earth and then the stride. And so we find ourselves in covered distance - free to carry on.


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Not Our Presence - But Presence

Not our presence -but all things gathered in singular unfolding. It's presence alone and our inclusion as the whole. We are not a separate point held in illumination -we are light itself, aware of our capacity to shine as one existence. There is only presence. Nothing stands apart.

Presence - it's all things. Even the apparent space of shown separation. Running is presence appearing as motion and the ground is presence that spreads for wandering. No real separation. Yet the illusion exist for the mystery and pleasure of our living.


Tuesday, April 5, 2016

An Inquiry Of The Seamlessness Of It All

From Oneness - steps, distance, and time considered. All things arise within this template of existence. We travel through aspects of our own belonging. Everywhere is home.

Runners remain in the stillness of reality - while the world spins distance beneath them. Action is simply the surrender to this reality. Our steps rely on gravity and once let go their is no effort to their fall. This is all one thing - a step - not separate from air, and earth, and only an extension in different form. Running, then becomes an inquiry of the seamlessness of it all.


Monday, April 4, 2016

Just One

Just one expanding presence as an appearance of another - and this is all there is. Nothing exists but you. And even that is an illusion. Words fail to capture  - and yet trying, it's like this (but it's not) a template for the allowance of all things to simply Be. So it's all here - aspects of this one great thing. All things included.

Step, air, earth - and the marvel of their connection. There is no pause in one existence. One step is instantly all things and only our senses lag in this perception. But the body isn't fooled - it does not become flesh as exclusion of the air against it. Nor do bones reject skin as separate. One body. One existence. Total. There is no dancer - just the dance.


Sunday, April 3, 2016


Our steps expand as the
earth itself -
and distance is what
