Monday, May 31, 2021

As Nature

As nature:

we belong as nature, pattern of its design, no less intimate with our source as a tree rooted to earth, or a birds wingspan touched to air-  and this is our great forgetting, that we are nature too, belonging deep to earth, breathing sky, at home within the world. 

we often call ourselves searchers, or believe we more truly belong to a distant heaven, that the earth is just our temporary place of stay. Even our bodies don't feel like home, being uncomfortable at the very root of our existence. Yet we are made of earth, collected dust somehow breathed to life. Our greater respiratory system is every forest, each tree added to sustain us. We come from the oceans womb, and it's still carried in our veins as remarkably similar to our blood. 

we are every bit nature. 

 this is our only true home, here, body and earth. It's where we belong and the only place of Eden that we'll ever know. There is no real search for anything other, especially as each step we ever take declares itself as home, touched against its very origin. That there is anyplace other for us is a delusion of beliefs, an inherited sense of separation. 

this is the only place we belong.

as nature, it's what we are, our every surrounding - we can never be removed from this, never separated. It's just a matter of remembering, allowing our bodies to recall their very ground of being. It's a return to earth and surrender to the air. The breath is our return, and each step finds its source once more. We're always here, at home in body and the world. It's where we most truly belong, and we never need to search to find ourselves...

we are here, as nature.


Peace, Eric 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

In Grace And Mystery

In grace and mystery:

nothing is bestowed to us from some higher order, no grace is found apart from living - life presents itself in mystery, yet we are never separate from its hold. What's true is always available, immediate, and supports us. It doesn't have to be fully understood, nor assigned to something distance, another power different than our own. It's all life, reality, one thing in grace and mystery.

it's who we really are. 

this alone is our holy scripture, life heard daily by through nature - to hear the morning stir, birds in early song, insects calling back and forth, a slight breeze whispers through an open window. It's not a distant voice, it's now, present, and instructs us to be alive. It reminds us that we belong to every moment fully, exactly as we are, without need to be holier than we are right now. 

life always accepts us where we're found. 

our every true prayer is simply the breath - receiving life through a personal brush of air, sustained by this touch, intimate in giving, shared in its release as a common breath to all the world. This is both grace and mystery, unseen, unasked for yet given freely. Ours is the very breath of God, an every moment communion of life, and air, in all its grace and mystery. 

it's present now.

this is the heaven we've been promised, our transcendental moment, nirvana - it's the current breath given, morning sounds, the immediacy of life right now. It's not bestowed to us from anything other than this very moment. It's the gift of true self...


in all its grace and mystery. 


Peace, Eric 

Saturday, May 29, 2021

In My Control

In my control: 

there's so little truly in my control - it seems that life is more about the appearance of things and then my response to whatever's been given. Life happens completely on its own and it's an illusion of belief that I am somehow a separate event from it all. Clearly seen, I am an aspect of life in free fall, nothing to grasp, and no solid place in which to land. 

there's just falling,

a surrender without cause.

life continues happening - and I am joined to its events, belonging to every current course without need to influence or control. Demands are still made, wishes given to the air, and desires declared. I am free, but not free of anything. I am full participant of life. But I know that my demands may be unmet, and that wishes and desires are often unfulfilled. When falling, it's best to be unburdened, there's no need to cling to every certain sense of comfort. 

and that's my surrender, with no debate to freewill or apparent choices to be made - there's always my response, a decision given, and consequences happen. Nothing really changes in a bottomless fall, life continues, events occur, and I find myself participating in it all. It's a strange fall indeed. Yet there is a subtle difference now.

the illusion of control is gone. 

unburdened falling. 

there's so little truly in my control, maybe nothing at all. I have no idea of the complexities of life, how it entwines through infinite events, lifetimes, and none of this in my control. It's such a relief to know this, to relax completely as myself. To just be. That's freedom. It's the lesson of falling, directionless flight, and my only true response is to smile, cry, grieve, and all with the joy of having no control.

just falling...

and knowing I belong. 


Peace, Eric 

Friday, May 28, 2021



it's all aware - and even this is somehow noted. Here's another post about consciousness, and I find myself without a lot of words to use, there's nothing really to say that I can state as true and what I'm sure of. I know simply and only that I'm aware, and that for me, nothing is found outside of this. Anything more would be surmise. 

yet still I claim it's all aware.

this isn't based on belief, and it isn't something something I hold as certain - right now I find myself aware of the world in early morning, sunlight through clouds, cicadas buzzing, and the smell of coffee urging me to pause for first sip. 

I'm aware. 

even to say this - that I'm aware, is somewhat  misleading. There's just aware, and I find myself a thought within its hold, seamless, belonging, and essential to it all. It's impersonal and intimate at once. There's no struggle to find this, it's not a state produced by meditation. It's how things are, and only words confuse the issue. It's all aware, not divided by a sense of two. Just this alone. 

if I blink from existence does this remain? 

does the world exist without me? 

everything is, 

right now.

and that's enough to know. 

it doesn't have to be more than this, no conjecture, nor anything added to make it seem complete as some system of belief. It's all momentary, aware, and then a letting go, existing just how things are right now. This all happens on it's own, every instant...

life unfolding as aware. 


Peace, Eric 

Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Same World

The same world:

it's the same world - and from every view we return to a single point of origin. Here, we all belong as seer, and share a common bond of grief and celebration, joy and every sorrow. We know life together. It's how we truly see the world, seamless, awareness shared between us.

we see the same world.

only our perspective is unique to us alone, a filter of beliefs that color each view. What we first see is the original world, one innocent of our concern, without bias or label. This is the metaphor of the garden, our first glance of Eden, a view full of wonder to all that's found. We believe ourselves exiled from this original world, forced by knowledge to discriminate what's seen as useful or not, beautiful or ugly, everything divided by seeming worth and value. 

yet our every glance reveals the garden.

our first look is always one of innocence, seen strictly from the garden, and not yet touched by our concerns. This is how we see, everything in first light, new and full of wonder. We know things without bias, our sorrow is pure, and our joy found deep. Everything belongs without judgement of its stay. This is all the same world - from original view, to the later sight believed as true. The only difference is our belief that only one is real. 

both belong within a single view.

this is the paradox that we accept, that everything is seamless, shared in grace - and too it comes divided, our daily affairs give cause for things seen different, as if a separate world. Both belong within this single view, one world through varied guises, and perspectives all our own. But we know our common origin, that we see from a single point together...

seer and seen, found seamless. 


Peace, Eric 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021



to be authentic is to be at once flawed, as well as perfect in this acceptance - it's the balancing of the human condition, that we have all been deeply wounded by something that life has given, and now no longer wish to hide our need to heal. This is the art and simplicity of being ourselves, airing our wounds to the light of our attention, healing by means of true love for who we are. To be authentic is to be present to ourselves, without immediate fix of any problem, allowing ourselves as broken in the very same moment we accept ourselves as whole, complete, exactly as we are. 

yes, it's a paradox.

 it's also how we heal - by recognizing a sometimes senseless world, allowing ourselves a flawed nature and acknowledging our perfect human essence. A paradox doesn't mean that one side is wrong. Our truth is that reality has no dies, no condition that contradicts it's own acceptance. In reality, everything that is - is allowed. 

we heal by being whole. 

and we are always whole, complete, even through the broken parts - reality is bigger than our personal beliefs, and we are never apart from its embrace. We always belong, perfectly accepted. To be authentic is to be real, and we are reality itself expressed through every moment, no matter what else we believe ourselves to be. 

we are always authentic. 

if we see that reality is immediate in it's acceptance, and that we never escape it's hold - we relax, there's no reason to seek for anything outside of who we are. Reality is present or not at all. So we are always whole, accepted through every seeming flaw, our scars and wounds simply part of what belongs. Reality holds every option. 

nothing is excluded.

to be to simply belong. 


Peace, Eric 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

All I know

All I know: 

consciousness is all I know - and really I know very little about it as all. The hard problem of the study of consciousness is said to be why is any particular state of matter conscious and another not? As of yet science has no definite answer. There are plenty of theories from philosophers, yogis, meta-physicians and the like. Here's what I know for certain...

I'm aware. 

yes, consciousness is all and I can state that with certainty - there is nothing I can know without being conscious of it. That's the simplicity of my answer. There are many thinkers who believe that awareness pervades every once of matter and is the base existence of all the universe. They might be right. Others are of the belief that consciousness begins and ends within a strand of DNA, that it's physical, biochemical by nature. They might be right as well. 

but this isn't about science or philosophy. 

it's about awareness, that I'm conscious of my thoughts, aware of my body, and of the world - and more that this is all found seamless, no break between them all. One endless stream of this awareness. I find no cause to argue this, or to make that it is anything more than what appears. Isn't it enough to find ourselves gifted as aware? With an entire world somehow given to be explored? To claim this as any exclusive camp of science or philosophy seems to be without merit. 

of course we'll continue to speculate and this too is a gift of our awareness - it's our nature to explore and ask the deeper questions. Science is no less an inquiry into existence than is a yogis meditative inward study. They are both explores of the infinite depth of who we are. Yet their answers will never truly satisfy us, and only because they're not our own.

here's all I know about consciousness - I am. And with this I'm without need of any answers, my questions are reduced to a simple inquiry of being watchful, attentive to all that wanders through view and mind. Am I aware - is my only question, and every moment is an affirmation. This is my own science, the philosophy of my awareness through every present moment. It comes with no story of conscious origin, and no belief of how or when this will all end. 

it's simply all I know. 


Peace, Eric 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Truly Seamless

Truly seamless:

it's how things come together, elements that seem so vastly different - and yet now appear as one thing alone. The world is truly seamless. My example is a flower, seen as a whole and not as individual petal, stem, and its deep connection to the earth. A flower is a collection of infinite things, from bud to blossom and every cell of its makeup - it's always in motion, changing, even as we see its perfect bloom and label it a rose, or violet...

and we are not so different really, our bodies composed of key ingredients to make our every cell and these come to form such varied parts of form and function. We are never just one thing, our connection as seamless as the flower, deep in the earth too, and endless in our reach through sky. The illusion is that we stand alone, apart from one another, separate from earth and sky. 

in truth, we are kin to each flower, our blood related to the depth of ocean, our breath shared through the same air that whispers through every forest and touched upon each blade of grass. We are part of their belonging as they are equal in our own. 

it's how things come together, something greater than cohesion  - it's more truly seamless, whole, some intelligence simply known as life throughout its function and display. Perhaps the entire world's a flower, and we are a conspiracy of its bloom and network of its roots. And just as seamless, every flower, forest, and individual blade of grass is our belonging, an aspect of our furthest body, our greatest stretch of home. 

through every seaming part and aspect...we are more truly seamless.

one thing, alone. 


Peace, Eric 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Of Fiction

Of Fiction:

my story - intertwined with yours, and larger still we tell the story of the world. It's all layers of fiction faithfully told. No story is completely true, and yet they aren't entirely wrong either. It's how we navigate the world, making sense of the infinite mystery of our existence. 

our stories give meaning to the world. 

and to our lives as well.

every story is open to change, told as motion and without need of a sure conclusion - it's all digression, that I am the sole narrator only to the point of each encounter. We are endlessly told by others, bystanders in a hero's tale, villains, supporting friend, or obstacle to overcome. We've been cast in every role and have assigned others their place as well. 

in some sense it's all true and yet only from the perspective told - in this way the world is mostly fiction, imaginary, known through past stories inherited through the ages, present stories told by authorities, media, science, and our own narration of events.

but we know what's really true, even if it can't be told - the basis of every story is experience, the current moment of any event. Everything is told after. Now...we are always without story. From our very first encounter with the world we are innocent, free of any story, and open to receive each moment in the intimate fashion of experience. 

every moment is our first encounter.

it's not for us to dismiss stories, not our own, nor those of others - we can't escape stories, and there's no reason that we should. Every first moment hasn't been told yet. There's no story right now, just the mystery of each encounter, the uniqueness of all experience, now, always now. This is the original moment, without fiction, and it can't be truly told. 

only lived. 


Peace, Eric 

Saturday, May 22, 2021

A Secular Commitment

towards a secular commitment - a world not ruled by belief in distance gods, nor primal urge of war and rage against each other. We are capable of so much more, a new approach to embrace the common view of our belonging. This is one world, ours, our only home, and we need a new commitment to the care and welfare of each other. 

our beliefs should be personal as well as communal - but at no point do we have the right to inflict them upon another as any sense of ultimate truth. God is an intimate belief, one of creation and myth, guiding a believer to a deep and caring response to their place within the natural world. There is no reason this should go further, to place demands upon others to view the world the same. God is personal, or not at all, a faith of our own sure belonging.

towards a secular commitment simply means we care for each other not by any means of a commandment, not the promise of some heavenly reward - but that we share a moment here together as humans in a fragile world. We share our aloneness, our faults, desires, and all in common bond together. It's why we care for each other - every human trait is shared. 

my commitment to you is without cause - I am not commanded to care, nor to love. But I do. My morals and ethics reflect this commitment. There's room for many mistakes. Mine and yours. A secular view places no demands on faith, everyone is free to worships as they choose. What's asked is only to not inflict an unexamined belief upon another. To not assume our own righteousness at the expense of harming others, or causing damage to the larger world. 

it's a commitment to belong.


Peace, Eric 

Friday, May 21, 2021

Listening To Cicadas

Listening to cicadas:

what I really hear is the low hum of patience, nature in its timely wisdom - listening to cicadas is to hear an aspect of life emerging from a seventeen year absence of notice. Yet all the while cicadas existed beneath us, active, a complete life underground until called to surface. They are an amazing creature, knowing exactly what to do for their survival, obeying a cyclical rule that calls to them alone. Every point of nature is full of such wonder. 

this isn't lost to us, we too are an aspect of nature, and we have our own inner call to follow - our technical advancements have caused us to believe that we are somehow separate from other points of life, that we are removed or stand above nature as a whole. But this technical drive is simply part of our nature, from harnessing fire, to the urge of drawing the days hunt against a caves wall, all the way to cellphones and an essay on cicadas - everything belongs, it's an expression of who we really are. 

yet sometimes we forget.

listening to cicadas, and I am reminded of how ancient we are, that we date to the origin of earth, and further, that we're composed of collapsed star particles, made of the very essence of the cosmos. We are kin to earth and sky. Nature waits for us to remember, ever patient, trusting in this one, innate wisdom within all of life. 

perhaps it's our time now, cyclical too, we emerge from our belief of being apart from nature, separate from our kin and spirit. I listen to the cicadas and hear only life, the worlds soul expressed through a seventeen year composition. What I truly hear is an aspect of myself given song. I remember now, that I belong as earth belongs, my reach is full within the sky. 

listening to cicadas...and hearing all the world. 


Peace, Eric 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Through This

Through this:

through this seeing - everything belongs. No lines are drawn here, only distinctions of a single view. One world, directionless, and truly ours alone. Seeing is immediate and without argument, any debate comes after and only covers details. To see is to find ourselves without doubt of our existence, to know ourselves seamless, intimate with all that's held within our view. 

and this is where words seem to fail - to talk of seer and view as if they are separate in experience, somehow found apart from the deep intimacy of what belongs. What's seen is no less than our own spread of existence, life without singular claim of ownership. 

just life, endless in its variety.

through this seeing - everything simply is, it's a world just before any stories are told. It's why words fail in their main description. To see a tree first without story is to find bare-essence, not really a tree but an expression of the whole in unique form and given function. It's a return to original life, no story yet told, the simplicity of existence. 

first view.

still, it's just more words, another story added on - words have their place within the view, everything does, everything belongs. But words never capture their description. So, I leave off with this request: to give ourselves a moment, perhaps right now, and simply, easily, hold any object within our view. My preference is always nature, but of course this can be done anywhere, at anytime. Find one object, and note it's presence, that it seems separate, alone in its existence. Let's see if this is true. Through our line of vision retrace this object to the source which holds the view. Look for the seer, for the eyes that behold the object of our choice, for the face that holds the eyes, and the head behind it all - is anything found? What do we really see? 

the object itself remains - it's the seer that's disappeared, no eyes are found, no face, headless, and this is actually seen. Our own absence. But not entirely. There is still something, an aware presence is found through the absence of seer. Even this is somewhat of an appearance, there's just aware, spaciousness in recognition of itself. 

just life, empty and whole. 

through this seeing - we return to the original. No stories, objects not existing on their own but found in seamless understanding. Everything belongs without question. Even questions. We're seeing, and it's always like this, always present, available. 

this is where I leave you today, with no more words, no stories...

only seeing.

Peace, Eric 

Wednesday, May 19, 2021



I don't have an interesting story - there's was no great awakening event, no disappearance of self and finding true enlightenment. I've never really been a seeker either, just someone who meditates and enjoys exploring the different perspectives offered by religion, philosophy, and those with an alternative point of view. If something looked interesting, I tried it, if it proved useful, it became a meaningful part of my life. Pretty simple. 

and yet there has been an awakening of sorts, a sense of ownership dropped, of no longer believing myself in charge of my own individual world. I see myself as a participant now, an aspect of life that belongs with equal grace to every other point of this belonging. Everything fits, seamless, even if I don't understand the reason why. 

what I've lost is an overwhelming interest in myself as an individual - it's been gradual, a lessening tug of my own sense personal importance. Of course there is a self, and one I care of deeply, but this self doesn't stand independent of the world. There is only this belonging. To awaken is too simply see that this is so - it doesn't (necessarily) call for any great action. 

it's simply seeing. 

for me, the blueprint has been the Headless way - Douglas Harding gave easy instructions on how to see, pointing from an object filled world back towards the spacious awareness that holds the world and every seeming object. To point is too awaken - and with this I'm given a lifetime to explore all that's found. It's a continuous awakening. 

I don't have an interesting story of my awakening, no great event to talk of - only moments filled with the grace of sure belonging. This is always present, a simple matter of notice, seeing, a finger point away. My story is always now - and so is this awakening. 


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Why Are We Here?

Why are we here:

we are never told why, not in any meaningful way, and not with an answer that provides any sense of closure to our wonder. Why are we here? This question seems to largely belong to religion and philosophy, with science more concrete in what it offers. Science gives details, facts and plausible theories on how life has occurred and evolved, on how the universe was formed. Philosophy speculates and religion is steeped in their own assurance. 

the answer in poetry is simply....because we are. 

all I can offer are my own beliefs, and these should mean little to everyone but me - and truthfully my beliefs shift with every breeze of curiosity. I am never settled with any certainty and every belief is held loosely in my mind. I have little interest in ultimate answers, most especially ones that are declared definite by someone else's belief. 

it's the question itself that frees a poet to explore the world without answers - in this moment, I am here to write, to share my thoughts as they appear, arrange these words in a way that seems to please my sense of symmetry. To every instant my answer is different - I am here to do exactly what each moment calls for, a spontaneous participation of all that's come to the particular point within the world. The question of why am I here seems entirely without need of any answer. 

we are here...

and that's enough for us to know. 


Peace, Eric 

Monday, May 17, 2021

All I have To Do

All I have to do:

all I have to do is see, to simply return my view to origin and rest in all that's found - it's here that I find my absence as well as fulfillment, a spacious quality of attention and every detail too. This is always the present view, nothing imagined, and no need or wish to make it other than what's found. Seeing is always and only of this moment. 

this is the only reality that truly matters, one that can be known, and more so - lived. Nothing is discovered that hasn't always been forever present. It's not a play of my imagination, no speculation to what the future holds, and no secrets from the past. I am grounded to the moment, seeing with clarity how my life unfolds. 

reality is always present.

of course there is much I'll never understand - this isn't about finding answers, nor even the proper questions to be asked. It's a wordless inquiry, an exploration of the world without my personal self so fully involved. With this I get to merge back within the view, to be scenery, an aspect to be explored. Seeing is the release of all I pretend to hold, every bit of my knowledge is exchanged for the simplicity of the view. This is where I find my true belonging. 

all I have to do is see, and always here, wherever it is I find myself. 


Peace, Eric 

Sunday, May 16, 2021

My True Ecology

it's my true ecology - I am not a system on my own, independent, and free of concern for all that serves to support me. There is only one environment, entwined, intimate to the very necessity of life. Nothing can be removed from this without damage to the whole. 

my true ecology is simply belonging.

life is made of infinite aspects, each expressed uniquely, and all of them serving something larger than itself alone. I find myself no different, an aspect of the world, somehow gifted with awareness, but still bone deep in this belonging. 

I am part of something larger.

this is how I serve - of all things I am breath, sharing of my own gift of inspiration, a return contribution of life for every tree and plant to flourish too. No breath is simply taken, there is always the release of what's so freely given, and with this I give my very essence. I breathe to keep the world alive, and plants are vital to this role. Trees have their own respiration, to take what's given and produce all that's needed to grow strong. We are equal in our trade. 

seen deeply, this can only be known as one system, from trees in their support of breath, to my own small offer. Everything is connected in such a way, infinite variety, and not a single aspect without importance. My true ecology is life, an aspect touched against existence in the largest sense of all - it's all one great belonging in service to itself. 

my ecology is home. 


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Reality Is

Reality is: 

that reality too is an appearance, full of every story, yet holding none entirely as its own - this is our world, objects, spaciousness, and their seamless trade of being. It's the reality of just this moment, even as it shifts to whatever appears next. 

reality is always motion. 

but sometimes - there seems to be a stillness found, as if we come to some allowing place which provides itself for the world to move. It's our deepest meditation, our silent home, emptiness. It's before whatever next appears. 

reality is always found through stillness.

there's nothing to be said that truly represent reality - and there's nothing that appears that is separate from it, including this description. At best we could declare...reality is...and leave the rest to silence. 

indeed, and simply - reality is. 


Peace, Eric 

Friday, May 14, 2021



so, I guess the difference now is that I no longer consider the things I do a means of achievement, that there is an end goal in place for me to reach one day reach. What I do - is for the pleasure that it brings.I sit in meditation for the simple joy of greeting each moment as it is, no wish to manipulate circumstances to find a deeper state of mind, but to welcome, and with this there comes a certain sense of peace that's been present all along - everything is already, immediately accepted to my world. 

through quiet moments...I watch things come and go. 

inquiry is a natural expression, spontaneous, and not done with a purpose to find my place within the world - this is revealed by simply looking, and with this I'm given all that's viewed in which to explore. I see my place clearly, that I belong truly within the world, aware that I'm a cherished aspect of the whole. It's laid plain within the view, this belonging, seamless, with nothing far to search for. 

my inquiry is seeing. 

it's all so easy, joyful, without the frantic energy of any seeking - everything I need is here, I'm aware, awake to the extent needed to know, and deeply appreciate this present moment. Anything more will be received as a gift. 

meditation brings me joy, so I sit. Inquiry happens on its own, quite naturally - so I give myself its moment to explore. That's all. My life is of great interest to me, I'm curious to see how each next instant will unfold. There are no practice moments. This is it. 

allow the things that bring you joy. 


Peace, Eric 

Thursday, May 13, 2021

A Personal World

A personal world: 

to reclaim a personal world, the Heart Sutra drawn to its natural conclusion - that emptiness holds the world as its fulfillment, one thing in a trade of space for infinite variety and beauty. It's all personal, for indeed we find ourselves here, with no discerning reason other than the joy to be. This is our world, somehow from emptiness and now it all belongs, ours, and we are held by the very spaciousness that gave us our beginning. 

emptiness serves, it's the alchemy of becoming and the start of all we know - there is nothing that appears right now that doesn't belong, and this includes our own sense of a personal world, intimate, that it all unfolds from our very fingertips for this touch alone. We seem to lose this intimacy in so many ways, through the false belief of a distant god that gave the world its creation, to the infatuation of emptiness as our own beginning. It's easy to lose sight of what's truly present. 

this, right now, and all that's here - is ours, and more so, it's completely what we are. If there is a god, there is no distance between us. Emptiness is always present, formlessness to form, personal, and now reclaimed as our own fulfillment. Everything that's present belongs for whatever reason it does, only mystery holds the answer. What's reclaimed is all of this, that we are deep in this belonging, given form and a self to truly now this world. Nothing has to change for this to be, no realization brings us any closer to the reality of this present moment. 

it's a personal world...cherish it. 


Peace, Eric 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Of Being Someone

Of being someone:

it's is the joy of being someone, of belonging to the world without a wish to be anything other than I am right now. This is the true magic of seeing - that I disappear within the fabric of the whole and yet still exist as an individual expression, a thread somehow found aware. 

what I am belongs without need for things to be otherwise, nothing dropped nor gained, no loss of self in a belief that I could be anything more than what I am right now. Seeing demonstrates that everything belongs just as it is, that I am included as a self appearance within a vast and varied world. 

this isn't overlooked, I don't lose myself to emptiness but gain a view that includes me with the world, seamless, and all without misplacement. Everything is exactly where it belongs, as it is now, without need of my arrangement. I exist within the world, an aspect of the whole, and aware of this unique position - that emptiness and its fulfillment belong at once, truly one thing in promise and hold, capacity and endless giving. Nothing is denied to this view, a sense of self belongs, without claim, and full of wonder at its place within it all.

it's the joy of being someone, aware of my temporary nature, yet assured that something too is endless, continuing in some long expression of life through every change. To know my essentialness, myself as capacity, as well as something fragile in its hold - there's such tenderness to this beauty, honest in its acceptance. 

this, right exactly where I belong. 


Peace, Eric 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021



something always comes to me, words appear, writing happens - it's not about patience really, there's no waiting, only a pause before ideas arrive and arrange themselves into some manner of a phrase. Writing is effortless, easy in the sense that I never have to search for ideas. Everything is present - or it isn't. I have faith in the mystery of it all. 

something always happens. 

writing is life, an aspect of the same seamless activity that brings each season, cause a flower to bloom, and the morning to fill with birdsong. It's all the same energy in varied form. I know that I'm not removed from this in anyway, none of us are, nor can we ever be. Writing happens, when season and cause give notice - words appear, I write, and life continues. 

effortless, seamless. 

it's life.

why I write is never questioned, nor do I wonder of theme, subject, or words to choose - this is just my momentary expression, for whatever reason how my morning now unfolds. It's something that happens, like every other part of life. I would no more question this than I would sunrise or the morning birdsong's - it's all a gift, without reason other than a wish to give. Life continuously accepts itself, every aspect without question. I an included in this order, accepted without condition, given all I need to fully belong. I write because I simply do. 

it's just what happens. 


Peace, Eric 

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Monday, May 10, 2021

An Idea

An idea: 

it's an idea, a concept of self, and one that's gained importance - much of my life was spent in the belief that I was a narrow band of information, opinions gathered from teachers, friends and parents, and my own misplaced point of view. I believed myself an idea, something entirely fleeting that became a habit by recall. The truth is - I mostly don't know what I really am, it's too vast to be told, larger than any concept, a mystery even to myself. 


to view a flower is to see a concept, a collection of every flower seen before quickly compared and given contrast. It's the idea of a flower that's mostly seen. But not at first - the first glance is always the whole story, that moment just before a point of view is formed, without label, as if this was the only flower in the world. A flower tells its own story at first glance, that it exists without my prior history, original even in repeated views. 

a flower...simply is. 

an idea always comes later, after anything is first noted - I existed before any opinion of myself, independent of belief and point of view, free of any concepts. I still do. Everyone does. My first glance tells me of your existence, of your mystery, and all without story. I know you more deeply, see a greater truth, with every first glance given. As if you were the only person in the world. 

the way to see the world is from first glance - remembered. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Continuous Surprise 

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Sunday, May 9, 2021

Continuous Surprise

A continuous surprise:

it's not like I need to write anything at all, without a true message to share, but still a wish to see what words might find themselves to the page, spontaneous in their arrival. This is all a guessing game, waiting, a rush of words that come unbidden, and the curiosity to see what final word appears.

this isn't my challenge, writing, nor any search for meaning - it's simply allowing words to find me in a receptive mood, open to their expression, and the willingness to commit them to the page. If I were a painter I would be in awe of every brushstroke, that an image waits unseen in its appearance, revealing hints with every dab of paint and movement of the brush. 

life itself is a continue surprise. 

everyday starts in similar manner as the page, there's no real idea of what may appear, of how it all will unfold. Nothing is truly promised. This morning I'm an artist, waking to the unknown, prepping to share myself in some creative endeavor. There doesn't have to be a grand expression, no true message, each object, every person and idea that appears will be a surprise, gifted from some grace, and received as such. There's curiosity as to what this day will bring, included too is my response, that I have no idea of the art that will be made, of the drama that might be told, or the poetry expressed. 

today is a surprise, spontaneous through every way. There's a wish to see what finds me, words that will make themselves to the page,ideas, people who come to share just a moment or two, a brief exchange of smiles and energy. We all give to each other in some unique way. It's all welcomed, the art of our world, however it wishes to unfold. 

it's all a continuous surprise. 


Peace, Eric 

Saturday, May 8, 2021



life is happening, always now and constant - this seems so obvious, but in in fact it's often overlooked from our everyday perspective. It seems that life is something we join with, participate in, and get to choose our favorite activities, people, moods, and challenges. We believe ourselves slightly removed from life as something special, set apart by our control and navigational skills of living. 

yet all there life. 

we are thick in the midst of it, without true control, and it only seems we get to choose what happens. What we have is our response, an artful means of arranging our perspective to the spontaneous flow of life. There is only what is happening each moment, now, and we are not witness too it but fully belong to its display. 

we are life - happening. 

this isn't always lost to us, there are times we find ourselves so immersed in certain participation that we forget all but this belonging. We remember it as something special, a moment of true meditation, a deeper touch of life than the moment found before. Yet it's no more real than any other moment, no more special than the infinite opportunities we're given to be noticed. Life is nothing if not full of miracles, a synchronicity of events to astounding to fully comprehend. 

any moment could prove to be a true meditation. 

so, this is simply a call to remember - life is happening, always now, and constant. We are life, and every bit a part of this great event.  

and just as astounding. 


Peace, Eric 

Friday, May 7, 2021



it's with an upward glance - and then my world expands. This is my perspective, from a single point of being aware and everything opens, I become larger with the view, endless. The sky holds my potential, my true self without boundaries. All found with an upward glance and a willingness to let go of self believed borders. 

this isn't an illusion, a trick of make believe - it's seeing, the real vision that doesn't depend on the opinion of the seer. It's the art of becoming what is viewed, of owning all that's found present. It's being headless, free to expand beyond any limits held before. 

from my perspective, right now, I am limited to what feels personal, things I consider truly my own. I am my thoughts, my body, sensations. It's my smaller world. A bit further and I claim this room, my computer, books, my present cup of coffee. These are all things that belong to me, and right now they belong within my view, a view expanding even now in what it holds. 

let's take this further - knowing that the view expands, what do I see when I turn my sight around, a search to find a viewer, to catch sight of who it is that really sees? It's not that I disappear, it's not an absence of the seer - no, it's that the view continues in expansion, what at first seems to be emptiness realized is soon revealed to be the truth of its fulfillment. 

seer and seen are one, the view, now and always, includes the viewer. 

so with an upward glance...indeed, my world expands. 


Peace, Eric 

Thursday, May 6, 2021

An Ocean Still

An ocean still:

an ocean still, each of us - an extension of the tide, only carried further on the land. Our blood is of the same substance, salt and ions in similar ratio to what the sea holds. We are literally water in travel, an ocean's wave somehow found aware. 

this is our true connection, primordial, that we're each a private ocean, yet still feel ourselves belonging to the larger body, the moon tugs both blood and mood for our response. We recognize each other as tides from the same source.

an ocean still.

there is a familiar metaphor of the ocean and wave, that we are forgetful of our nature, believing ourselves to be a cresting wave, separate and on our own. Of course the wave is never apart from it's truth as ocean, and once collapsed there's the sudden realization of it's home. We are beyond metaphor, we are truly a carried ocean, complete, tides within veins, our wish to merge as common water. We have always been an ocean.

this is it, life, our one sure home - the wave metaphor hints that there is somewhere other, that a cosmic ocean exist as a place beyond right here, now, and that in realization we merge to something greater than we already are. All there is - is ocean. It's a blood, our very essence. We are not confused, we are not a wave caught in self belief. 

we are the ocean, still, and always. 


Peace, Eric 

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

What Do I Know

What do I know: 

but what do I know? Is there anything that I hold as certain? The truth is that I take much for granted, assumptions made of all beyond this present moment. There is so little that I really know, and even less that demands my attention to function in the world. My body has it's own way of knowing, perfectly fine without my conscious will to draw breath,  or cause my heart to beat, or any of the infinite vital assignments it performs completely on its own. Even my mind belongs to this system, working fine in the order it provides, without need of my assistance. 

it seems my personal world works fine without me. 

and so much information is simply handed to me, read from books, gathered from media, or inherited from teachers, parents, and clergy. This is not my true knowledge, although my life works well within these guidelines. None of this is what I truly know. 

science says the hard problem of consciousness is explaining why we have experiences, how the world becomes personal to us, meaningful. I keep things easy, with no questions that demand an immediate answer, without need to know anything as certain. Poetry doesn't have to ask the hard questions, nor does my happiness depend on answers. Consciousness has given me an entire world to explore, infinite in its direction. For me - the questions lead to something beautiful in their ultimate mystery, unknowable, but somehow too imparting something to be known. The irony is that words will always fail to capture this, only winking at the jest of its own attempt and effort. 

but what do I know? 

the question stays - what I know is this, and it's indescribable, fragile, and completely my own. It's my very own moment, an experience of self inter-dependent on the worlds existence, as well as the emptiness that allows my world to rise. I know this moment in my own way, not in any ultimate sense of being true, not as an illusion to be seen through, but to be cherished, to be grateful that I exist at all with a world so full and varied to its beauty. 


Peace, Eric 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

To Just See

To just see: 

to just see that everything belongs - yes, I use words such as allowing, accepting, verbs, as if there is a personal action involved. But there isn't, I belong as easily as everything else, without real say as to what appears as life continues in its flow. I belong to the motion, being a verb too, and my only true gift is to be aware that this is so. 

it's life that allows, a constant welcome, and often I with that I did have more control, more say as to what would be included. Yet life meets my demands in the same welcome as every other aspect of its hold. I am given the gift of belonging, as well as a certain grace that comes with seeing my place within the whole. I am grateful for this gift, responsive, and find myself now with less demands. 

there is trust with this, with life, and all that's allowed - I know that I belong, that I am welcomed with every seeming fault and imperfection. Life only sees me as whole, as essential, and includes me without condition. 


to just see, that's all - there is no action needed to belong, to be included to this love. I am not the one that allows, it's not my role to accept, nor deny. I just see, and melt within this grand inclusion. It's that simple, observing that my every action is immediately accepted, that life continues through its motion without regard to so many of my wishes. I just belong, equal in my acceptance. 

loved...without condition. 

Monday, May 3, 2021

For Just This Moment

For just this moment: 

for just this moment, and there's our faith, our wished for haven - right now, we have what's present, we have only what our worlds been given. Nothing more can truly be considered, our reality is always, only for this very moment. 

this is what's allowed, whatever appears now is ours for however long its stay. It's all we ever have to deal with, and all we really have to cherish. Everything else is the abstract stuff of memories and dreams of what may be. Our moment is right now.

yet this isn't a call for mindfulness, it's not about directing our attention - it's simply a reminder, a pointer to what's present, and ours to truly know. We only have this moment, and it's changing, in motion even as these words appear. What we know is mystery, that with every instant another world is given from every previous world before, and even if similar in appearance there is always subtle change. Nothing belongs forever. 

so for just this moment, however swift it goes - this is what the world offers. It's ours, but only in motion, not meant to ours to grasp. For just this moment we have our joy, our memories, and sorrow too. Nothing is excluded - this is where we celebrate life through all that's given, this is where suffer our every loss, all that feels taken and cause for us to mourn. 

for just this moment - everything's allowed. 


Peace, Eric 

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Allowed To Simply Be

Allowed to simply be: 

all things allowed to simply be - and that's the secret of the world, that everything follows its own way, while belonging to some greater motion still. We rest in this awareness, no longer prone to argue against our own true nature, allowing the world to be exactly as it is, even as we work for things to change. It's the paradox of living. Everything belongs, but never longer than its length of stay. Through this we find a certain peace. 

natures follows this, that every bird knows its own particular way, guided by instinct and lessons learned by trials of flight and search for food. A bird knows its individual way, without argue of its course, nor challenge to whatever condition it might find. Every shift of wind is allowed, and every bit of rain, and still each bird stays true to flight and song. 

this too shows a greater belonging, a larger motion of the world - that wind and rain follow the way of their own pattern, a cooperation of events that allow a time for storms. A bird acts through what is given, whatever pattern that appears. They adapt their way to the ever greater way, infinitely at peace within the world. 

it's our way too - we are not removed from nature, we have our own flight within life's storms, adapting to its rainfall and every shift of wind. It's our secret. Intuitively we know that all things are allowed to simply be, that we run with nature's course and our every action belongs as well. 

we are true to our way - and the ever greater way that follows still. 


Peace, Eric 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

For Me

For me: 

for me - life equals that which participates with living, and nothing possibly could be excluded from this, and all things belong within its framework. Of course science has it's own definition, correct within its branch and narrow view. I have no argument with science, theirs is a specific field with a mission to accomplish. Science achieves great and noble things. But I have no such agenda. I simply write from my own intuitive sense of wonder and awe, grateful that I belong to such a beautiful world. 

and for me - it's all about belonging, that not one thing can be removed from what surely seems complete, whole, and true. I exist because everything else does as well, inter-dependent, and intimate in a seamless fashion. An ocean teems with life, individual from largest mammal to the microscopic - and yet done would exist without an oceans hold. 

it's all life.

nothing can be seen separate from that which holds it in embrace - air is alive by nature of its touch, the earth lives by extension of its giving ground. Each aspect participates for the continuation and well being of the whole. This is exactly where I belong, thick in the process of being alive, giving breath as a function for feeding trees, my body one day returned to nourish earth. I am alive for the well being of the world, and the world equals life through its allowing embrace. 

it's not bound by any definition - all there is...

is life. 


Peace, Eric