Tuesday, May 25, 2021

All I know

All I know: 

consciousness is all I know - and really I know very little about it as all. The hard problem of the study of consciousness is said to be why is any particular state of matter conscious and another not? As of yet science has no definite answer. There are plenty of theories from philosophers, yogis, meta-physicians and the like. Here's what I know for certain...

I'm aware. 

yes, consciousness is all and I can state that with certainty - there is nothing I can know without being conscious of it. That's the simplicity of my answer. There are many thinkers who believe that awareness pervades every once of matter and is the base existence of all the universe. They might be right. Others are of the belief that consciousness begins and ends within a strand of DNA, that it's physical, biochemical by nature. They might be right as well. 

but this isn't about science or philosophy. 

it's about awareness, that I'm conscious of my thoughts, aware of my body, and of the world - and more that this is all found seamless, no break between them all. One endless stream of this awareness. I find no cause to argue this, or to make that it is anything more than what appears. Isn't it enough to find ourselves gifted as aware? With an entire world somehow given to be explored? To claim this as any exclusive camp of science or philosophy seems to be without merit. 

of course we'll continue to speculate and this too is a gift of our awareness - it's our nature to explore and ask the deeper questions. Science is no less an inquiry into existence than is a yogis meditative inward study. They are both explores of the infinite depth of who we are. Yet their answers will never truly satisfy us, and only because they're not our own.

here's all I know about consciousness - I am. And with this I'm without need of any answers, my questions are reduced to a simple inquiry of being watchful, attentive to all that wanders through view and mind. Am I aware - is my only question, and every moment is an affirmation. This is my own science, the philosophy of my awareness through every present moment. It comes with no story of conscious origin, and no belief of how or when this will all end. 

it's simply all I know. 


Peace, Eric 

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