Monday, October 31, 2016

Seeing, Forgetting, Yet Always Seeing

We may forget - yet seeing continues. Even what appears to be lost to a moments passing is held within our endless capacity as awareness. Everything is seen as is and commentary added only later. Seeing is the art of being who we truly are, it's relaxing mind to its own function of thought, and living in the undercurrents of existence. It's knowing what's real. To this regard, we are not bound to any moment save our own timeless nature. Seeing who we are is constant, forgetting is simply an occurrence within this all pervading awareness.

Running distance is divided within the mind to pleasant times and the ache of given effort. Yet distance itself remains the same, undivided and full of its open promise to continue. Everything is valid in the moment of experience. But our truth always stays as distance.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Single Eye

the infinite - in two sides of our vision. Yet seen in the
single eye of existence.

If we look, we find the infinite is not just a stretch of outward vision that carries to the heavens, but our own spaciousness that originates at the source of vision. This is the single eye of reality that allows the world to unfold in its own mysterious journey. For us - running is the ultimate view of self revelation. We are witness to our own becoming.


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Become Again

Vanished, and in the absence of thoughts once held as
separation - we become again in the
details of the world.

No step is separate from the distance that it strives for.


Friday, October 28, 2016

True Touch Of Our Existence

False borders - as if a line is drawn between our fingers and the world and the touch we know isn't infinite in its expansion. Even walls are embraced by the very space of their divide. This is the true touch of our existence - things appear in their distinction, yet nothing is ever stranded from the whole. There is always our connection.

No step takes us farther into distance - our center always holds.


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Witness To Its Own Creation

Just see - everything else is only a story, however beautifully it may be told. Our truth is always in the clarity of the given moment, unfolding to its own accord, without commentary, and absent of agenda. In this - the world is seen  as a continuous becoming, source witness to its own creation. We find ourselves once more in Eden.

Imagine, distance no more than space waiting for our forms arrival - and then continued in its own expansion. As far as stories go - who knows? This one is as good as any. Yet some things we can see without the writ of fiction. To see true, simply direct attention to the source that holds the view. Explore what's there, more importantly, discover what isn't there. Then draw your own conclusions.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Our Original Headless Space (And How To See Again)

Here's what we see - of our own spacious awareness comes a stretch of form we know as earth and continued on to infinite possibilities of life, and sky, and distant stars. There is no break in this awareness, no line drawn from the source to what is viewed. We see one thing, varied in appearance, a mystery known only as existence. Yet what we see is believed in labels, items listed as their own accord, and objects found in separate worlds. We are split by what is seen and the beliefs that come later to the mind. This is the duality of the senses, a miracle of one thing in sight of itself, the  sound of our existence now heard in endless notes, one touch able to feel its own caress. It's all so perfect in its mystery of design. To see again, to cast away beliefs of our divide, is not to lose this mystery, but too add again our innocence of what is, seeing from our original headless space, and knowing all as source.

To see, and run, from original innocence is a simple return to the direction of our gaze and step - from where the view emerges, to the unseen impulse giving rise to motion. It's running without belief that there is a separate thing we call a runner. It's seeing - without division from the seen.


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A Grace Of Headless Wonder

Away from source - our view is held in sharp contrast to its origins. Outwards, we find a world adrift in thought filled meaning and a purpose we assign. Yet is seems we lose the mystery of original sight. Traced to source, a lineless field of vision, there comes no-thing from which it all began, a grace of headless wonder. And in our disappearance - the mystery of the view unfolds.

Each run is newly discovered ground, a fresh sight yet to tell its story, and a mystery eager to unfold. Yet it takes a runner reborn to every step to find this wonder. Running from the source brings us to a new event each moment - we find ourselves merged as scenery and seer, seamless in our flow of motion. It takes no practice, a simply twist of attention towards the place from which we hold our vision. Look in innocence, playful, curious to what may be there to find. There won't be a runner- yet from here, every step and mile is born.


Monday, October 24, 2016

We Are This Great Holding

This greater holding - an embrace of all things in infinite expansion. It's an inclusive reality. Even our denial is held in this capacity. So this is where we find ourselves - as each detail viewed and than accepted, nothing found separate from our gaze, and the endlessness that holds it all within awareness.

There is no denial in distance - each object is absorbed within its expanse and then a continuation of its reach. When we view ourselves as only a runner - we too are caught within this endless stretch. Yet the truth is that we ourselves are the very endlessness that unfolds as all directions. No place leaves off from our own reach. We are as distance - infinite in our expansion. There's no need to worry when the world is found within us.


Sunday, October 23, 2016

We Crest, We Reach, And Yet...

Not against - but a continuation now seen as form. It is not that we suddenly step from the infinite and find ourselves alone against the world. We are an appearance within it all - a wave that has crested with the ocean, yet the oceans depth always within reach. Our reality is always undivided.

And so it is with us and distance - we are never removed from that in which we reach.


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Endless In Its Wonder

Distance is not the illusion - it's horizons set as
borders that hold us falsely to a

Our reality is always endless in its wonder.


Friday, October 21, 2016

From What Is Seen

It's presence, a singular existence, appearing as life in all its mystery and various guises. We are an arising within this great Oneness, a given expression in thought and form. It's miraculous that within this great spread of mystery we appear, and more, to view a tree, rock, cloud or sky and know that we too are not separate from what is seen. Indeed, it is presence that allows for this unfolding, and nothing can be separate from this source.

On the course of every run - there is one thing appearing as the world. This is who we are. Enjoy the view. Enjoy the run.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Joy Of Our Appearance

With no purpose nor meaning - there is just the
grace of our appearance and
the joy of simply

It's enough to find ourselves here - life

We assign meaning and purpose to the things of the world and the thoughts we hold. It's how we navigate the life's surface. Yet the depth of it all is found as a calm acceptance of all that arises, and all that passes. As the sky is equally undisturbed by clouds or storms - we too, at the core of our reality, remain as capacity for life to be. Storms and all. So too with distance - always expanding from each step taken, never diminished, nor wavering in its invitation. There can be no real goal within this openness. We will never fill it. We may only (re)discover our own spacious nature. And run for the joy of this discovery.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Nowhere Apart From It All

We are as the flow of all things, constant, continuous in being - only briefly interpreted as thought and separation. Yet even this occurs within the field of our allowance. Where we leave off and the world begins is only in the mind. If we reach our hand in any direction we are met on all sides by the infinite hold of reality, our view is the lineless unfolding of the ultimate source. There is nowhere from which we could exist apart from it all.

As This - we don't leave off from distance, it's our own constant invitation of self exploration. A runner never truly reaches the end of their run, there is only a seeming pause in their expansion. Our presence always goes on.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

What Shadows Tell

Shadows tell not of darkness - but of light played in hidden guise against the ground. There is no reality aside from what illuminates the world.

We are the light in which shadows are made, our truth is constant even amidst the play of darkness. In as such, our only purpose is to shine. To cast meaning along with shadows is to lose faith in who we are. In seeing this - we too are at play within the dynamics of an illusionary world, shadows are seen as a simple arising, darkness no more than a wait for revelation. Nothing is so serious as to be believed and everything is allowed its passing moment. Yet still we act in rightful accordance, honoring body, respectful of the shadow play of others, mindful of the singular light  of our existence.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Symbols, Tracks, And The Joy Within It All

Symbols - as tracks are an appearance of their own, yet tell the story of what has been, we too are a moment left in passing. This solidarity of form is no more than a track against the formless. It only and always tells the story of what we've left behind - even as it seems we're caught in events and the moment of their happening. That's the illusion of time. We falsely believe that we are symbols, tracks that hold their fraying edge as if it were reality. Symbols tell a minor story. The great truth is one of infinite expansion, the awareness that allows a track to simply be, and continues without agenda to a story. This is the whole of existence, this spread of allowance for life to happen, objects to arise, and stories told as tracks and symbols left behind. It all goes on. There is joy found within it all.

The Tao Te Ching tells us that to run with the way is to leave no tracks behind.


Sunday, October 16, 2016

For The Joy Of Simply Being

perhaps there is a reason - yet for no
more than the joy of
simply being

Cause and effect happens in appearance - karma is played out in subtle realms of the senses. Yet this is all against the backdrop of allowance, the clear space of our infinite gift of no-thing. Here, as reality, there is simply presence, and life arising within this capacity. There is no reason for things to be - they are, and then at times they appear to be not. It's all the same really, even if we think and feel otherwise. In fact, more so, it's all the same for this reason alone: there is only existence, one thing giving of itself in varied forms, everything comes from this and nothing true is extinguished in this. It's life played out for it's own purpose of being. Which brings us to running - in the end, we are just motion appearing through distance. Things will happen, and things will pass. But we remain the clear space that allows it all to be,


Saturday, October 15, 2016

This Too Is Our Unfolding

One thing giving way to itself in formless wonder - and so a tree comes to know itself as sky. This too is our unfolding, yet first from nothing to what seems like solid to the world, and then once more we give way to all that comes within our view. We are constant in our becoming, each look brings us again to new aspects of ourselves now revealed.
It truly is a miracle.
And it happens every moment.

This is what's so magnificent about running, about life, and who we are - there's nothing we're not, and nowhere we're not found. Running reveals us as motion and then takes us further to aspects of ourselves found in remote reaches of mind and stride.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Lasting In Its Moment

It all just appears - and too we arise as a spontaneous becoming, a gathering of senses and thought that lend themselves to form. We are more mystery than single truth, each level of self revealed temporal in a larger existence. So nothing is definitive in plan or purpose - it's all meant for the joy of lasting in its moment. Even you and me.  

The path is temporary - distance, the empty space that holds all things is eternal. Running happens, but runners themselves are simply a gathering of thoughts expressed as motion. The Bhagavad Gita urges us to know ourselves as not the doer but the action itself. In this case we will not be found as runners - but motion in its pure expression through eternity.


Thursday, October 13, 2016

This Life Is A Wonder

Given from the source - and so all things continue in this way, a shared arising within this spacious offering. We are here from mystery, with no reason known beyond the joy we have of being. It's the source in ongoing motion against its own stillness. This life is a wonder.

It's all really amazing - life happening, a world appearing. And we get to run in it. Pretty cool.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

No Need For Narration

By virtue of our view alone - there is only presence. We are not shown a line dividing who we are from what is seen. Our story ends where the world begins. Yet further still we are found again in the wholeness of the view. Now that we are seen and known as presence - our story is free to unfold in a perfect telling of its own. There is no need for narration.

Our story is running - distance gives us the freedom to roam to this tales completion. Whatever it may be. Yet once we realize that this story unfolds by its own accord, our narration, our self talk, becomes less inclined to be a factor. We'll still take the needed action to provide for mind and body, we will listen, and be alert to the signs that we've been given. But no longer will we be able to fully identify ourselves as a singular individual separate from all that is happening. We find that we are the experience of each moment, the view, the objects, the event itself and not the one who tells the story. It's all just happening. And we are the joy that allows it all to be.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016


With a glance we're deconstructed - and again we are particles and space in dance of creation. This self we have measured and found solid is an illusion held only to the mind. Our reality is held in the origin of our view - a vision returned in seamless wonder. Traced back to source and all we find is an honest openness for the world to be. Who we have claimed to be is absent in this view. Yet more so, the truth of who we are is found.
It only takes a single look.

Think of a step, just one, and know that all of infinite distance is traced directly here.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Our True Encounter With Ourselves

Here we are - a spacious understanding embraced against a seemingly solid world. Our true encounter with ourselves is seen in this awareness. We are the capacity which serves for things to be distinct, for the experience of the senses, and the duality of a touch. The illusion of separation is simply a play of existence in a wish to know itself as other. This is everything we know but choose to not remember - until we do. Then mystery takes another turn, with a different game to play.

Right now we run - a game of steps, breath, and distance. The illusion is that we gaining ground, or heading in a specific direction. The reality is the directionless mystery of existence. We're always right here. So it's not the we shouldn't strive, or reach for an achievement - it's that our effort should be joyful. With no place to really go, than that's the only purpose of our motion.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

That Seems As Distant

It all happens here - even something that seems as
distance as a falling star, occurs in the
immediacy of our

There is nowhere that we are not found.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

In The Rain Fall

In the rain fall - and the stillness between drops goes all but unnoticed. Every storm offers its own spacious understanding. Today I ran for many miles in the rain, and untold drops told me their story. Drenched in a language told from sky to clouds, and then to every landing that came beneath them. Each drop told of motion, a journey from sea to air, and back to ground again, and endless cycle of existence. I was told of life today within a storm. The story was all around, in every drop, and more, in the stillness that allowed each drop to be.


Friday, October 7, 2016

In Spacious Understanding

This is what we offer -  our own disappearance in the faith of each encounter. We believe truly that the world is our existence, that we meet only ourselves in the guise of every form, and that indeed, even the formless is a gift in its allowance. We offer our own vast emptiness for all things to simply be, we give in spacious understanding, with no need to interject an illusion of who we think we are. What we offer is the intimacy of this recognition - we are no more than space, in full awareness of one existence.

And so this too is distance in its welcome of steps, and the air in its allowance of breath to be in motion. There is nothing that's not shared.


Thursday, October 6, 2016

On Holy Ground

and this too is heaven found - as if there is ever a step taken that does not fall on holy ground, and lead directly to the source. It's all right here.

We are blessed to be in motion, distance spread in such a way that every moment is our arrival. The truth is that we are not seekers, nor travelers, and not even runners. We are of the mystery, and therefore an eternal question. There are no answers - only the joy of asking.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Perfect In Its Doing

Here we are - existence in a reach of self fulfillment. This is all sacred ground, unfolding in exact moments for our steps to meet against it. There is nothing we could have done to plan this union, each step has the gravity of faith that this world was made to order. It's all a mystery. And somehow perfect in its doing.


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

In Infinite Variations

One thing - in infinite variations of itself. And so we see life in on going fashion, continuing past the borders held by form, and further still through distance. It's awareness recognizing itself in a play of light and shadows, object and perceiver, space and boundaries, it's mystery loaning itself to temporary answers. Our search is not for truth, but one of continuous revelation and again a letting go to keep the world in motion. The truth itself is very simple - we are this one thing.

And that's the why of running - distance won't be conquered or even reached in terms of completion, it's continuous and always offers itself in spacious unfolding. Running is our great revelation. We find ourselves in every aspect that is offered.


Monday, October 3, 2016

Original Vision

First there is seeing - seamless, distinction made in form but not in separation. This is our original vision, from and of the source. In later commentary comes division, we now view the world in broken parts and believe that this is completion. And this is how we navigate through life, forgetting to see from our headless space. Yet seeing never ends, our original vision remains as a promise of return. It's always here, present, unfolding still in seamless wonder.

We can see distance as a far reach that's ever past our point of stride - or we can see, really see, that we alone are the source of its unfolding.


Sunday, October 2, 2016

I Am

I am - and through my view
comes proof of this

Our presence is before all declaration of purpose and intent. We are the silent background for the allowance of song, and the canvas for beauty to be expressed. It's easy to see - simply follow attention to its source, trace the view to its original location. What do we find? This is the I AM before a single word is spoken. It's the headless space of our true belonging. It's where distance begins. It's where the runner ends.


Saturday, October 1, 2016

Go Here

Go here - and in fact it is our residing reality oft forgotten. We are lead astray by thoughts in mistaken view of our identity. As if clouds could ever hold the sky as a passing illusion to their permanence. Our truth is one of open sky, clear, spacious, and allowing of clouds and varied storms. Sometimes we are lost to crowded thoughts and a hurried mind - we fear we are the clouds in permanent form. We're not. We are never not the sky.

Distance creates an odd dynamic of contracting to a moment of intense detail, ragged breath, aching lungs and legs and a thousand more possibilities - and yet too it is an opening to a broad horizon that holds all things within it's view. And that's life. One thing happens within a larger perspective of who we really are. They don't cancel each other out. Yet by knowing the largeness of our true reality - we have room to allow things to simply be the way they are, and pass in time on their own accord.



Feel that I should throw out here that I am voting for Clinton because I like her - not because I'm a democrat (I'm registered Green, but reserve the right to vote in the direction of my conscious) I see with clear eyes the choice I'm making and in no way does Trump entertain as anything other than a threat to our country. I am not alone in this regard, as Trump does not have a single major newspaper endorsement (not even in the deepest red states - at least as of yet). Clinton has 70+. If I saw similar signs of an impending disaster from a Clinton nomination I would certainly not even consider casting a vote for her. Donald Trump mocks both Clinton and Obama's open declaration of the coming (and on going) global climate crisis and it really does and should top the list of greatest concerns. Unclean environment - no job matters, no clean air - and no life is sustainable. Unsafe drinking water, historic floods, draughts, and wildfires - and this is just the beginning. Science says that we have a finite timeline (that is near, if not present moment) for corrective action and even then it may be iffy. Who is going to address this? Someone who doesn't believe it is real or even an issue? Or someone who is prepared on day one to take meaningful action? If immigration is a concern, think how bad things will be when millions of refuge's seek a safe haven due to unlivable conditions. Military a voting a concern? The Pentagon has declared that the climate crisis is a more potent threat than terrorism and, in fact, will be linked with its fight. Military ports and bases are in threat of mass destruction due to rising sea levels. The list goes on. There is no excuse for us to turn our backs on this issue now - not if we have kids, grandchildren, or a deep love for country and planet. Donald Trump has a long history of self profit over service. Like Clinton or not, disagree with her policies, hold in contempt her political flaws (which she is well aware of) but it is clear that she is the only logical and safe choice. If her record is reviewed from a non-patrician source than it is also clear that yes, she is flawed, but she is on an entire level of qualification higher than Donald Trump. It's why I don't really bother to debate the issue. It's a simple matter of honest looking. I appreciate the polite discussion everyone had here and hope we can continue to view each other as friends first and our policy  differences last.