Monday, October 17, 2016

Symbols, Tracks, And The Joy Within It All

Symbols - as tracks are an appearance of their own, yet tell the story of what has been, we too are a moment left in passing. This solidarity of form is no more than a track against the formless. It only and always tells the story of what we've left behind - even as it seems we're caught in events and the moment of their happening. That's the illusion of time. We falsely believe that we are symbols, tracks that hold their fraying edge as if it were reality. Symbols tell a minor story. The great truth is one of infinite expansion, the awareness that allows a track to simply be, and continues without agenda to a story. This is the whole of existence, this spread of allowance for life to happen, objects to arise, and stories told as tracks and symbols left behind. It all goes on. There is joy found within it all.

The Tao Te Ching tells us that to run with the way is to leave no tracks behind.


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