Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Constant Reach

For even now we are in motion - our stillness no more than gathered space dancing as the grace of light. We are constant in the reach of our expansion.

And so we know that there is no where that we leave off and the world begins - it's just that constant reach, the drive to expand and know ourselves as motion. Our form goes along for the ride. This is the true experience of running - bringing our awareness to finite points along the infinite way.


Monday, June 29, 2015

Observe And Become

The amazing thing is that once we choose to observe the path - we become active participants in its unfolding. We have collapsed events to the singularity of motion and become joined in the flow of all things. Our bodies are the illusion of form against this stream. Running is the joy of being with the whole. To observe is to remove the veil of separation and join the mystery - the creator is now the process as well as the creation. To observe is to create and be displayed at once. And so we know ourselves as the witness and more we are the scenery. We are art and running the means of our display. Observe and Become.


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Manifestation Of Path And World

From our steps - a
And on this path we make the world.

Every thought is indeed a prayer - a singular creative force multiplied through repetition. What we think we become. We are an answered prayer of our own accord. Distance brings with it the spread of time and thoughtfulness. We are in a constant prayer that shapes our run from first step to last thought. This brings us to one question* - are we joyful?
The answer is found only in our prayers.


*Are we at peace, content, happy, blissful...

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Secret Of The Yogi

Attached to neither ground nor air - we travel. Detachment is motion through the tangles of life. It's the secret of the Yogis. To detach is to identify with the spaciousness of our holy nature - to curve ourselves around the existence of every person and object that enters our life and yet allow each the freedom to maneuver. Running is simply the shift to this identity - from the solid grasp of ego's nature to the grace of letting go and Being. We meet out true selves through distance and mirror its ability to allow all things to pass unopposed. The yoga of distance running is to recognize ourselves in completion and know that even in passing nothing remains in separation - every mile is part of us and we too are joined as scenery and seer. With nothing to lose - we have nothing to hold. Run free.


Friday, June 26, 2015

What Promise Will You Make?

Before thought and steps settle firm against it - the world has no existence. And we run in the potentiality of the moment.
All things are possible.

We are told by science that all material objects are made of atoms and between atoms are sub atomic particles dancing through a void. Spirit tells us that the void itself is filled with the very stuff of our existence. In truth we are what can't be seen. We are the nature of faith and that's what holds this and every world together. Before each step our world has yet to solidify and holds only promise. In that precious moment before our foot's caress - what promise will you make?


Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Secret

Distance does not recede to passing steps - the infinite is immeasurable to our stride. Yet we have gained a glimpse of it. And now nothing else will do but run some more.

Broken down - we are a molecular field intermingled within a larger field of sameness to a degree. In fact we are all distance narrowed to a singular point of observance. The secret to every run is in knowing that we have already arrived. And never left at all. The finish only waits for our awareness.


Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Between each step - a mystery. And that's the nature of the run. We are not looking for answers but further questions of the soul. Distance provides our template to the infinite. Our stride becomes the means of exploration. It's more then running - it's a meditation on the mystery between steps. We are more then runners - we are explorers of our infinite nature.


Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Measuring Distance

Distance is measured in light. Running dispels the darkness between who we are now and the person we wish to be. In the light of this truth we find they are the same. There is no journey - only the arrival to an awareness of who we are.
Our light is revealed by single
steps taken.


Monday, June 22, 2015

The Third Secret

The third secret is revelation itself - false layers have fallen to our truth alone. We are the scenery. We are the seer. All distinctions are made by mind. Distance brings us to the point beyond duality - our steps falling to an extension of self spread in all directions. There is just one world. The third secret is freedom. There are no boundaries now. No borders of held by thought or body. Running is just remembering another aspect of self through the illusion of distance and location. Our arrival is in the moment we remember. Our steps through out are simply a self created journey for the pleasure of rediscovery. In truth - there are no secrets at all. Forgetting is the beginning of the journey. Every step is the joy of our remembrance.


Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Second Secret

The second secret is revealed in quiet places of the mind. We are the witness to every thought that passes. The thoughts themselves hold no weight against us. Our truth exist in space between their passing. We are a quiet reality. This secret frees us from whatever realm our thoughts may lead us - we are boundless in our vast expanse of stillness. Distance holds no fright to those without end. We know that we continue. As a cloud is separate from the reality of the sky - our own spacious nature remains untouched in the wake of every thought. The second secret urges us to run from here - the blue sky of our infinite source.


Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Three Secrets Of Distance Running - #1

The first secret - we are not just bodies. Our identity is a truth that animates far deeper then the bones and flesh we need for motion. The body is the holiness of earth gathered to form - and yet still merely dust without the formless light of spirit as its birth. The light is who we are. It's the false hold of all that's physical that limits our reach for distance. We are endless even in the confines of the body. Yet we are deluded in beliefs of the smallness of our reach. The first secret sets us free - we run as spirit through the body. Our holiness permeates the physical. There are no limits to our reach.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Earth Revealed

Finding God with every step - and the earth revealed as heaven. Running is a prayer of revelation. We find ourselves through distance. It's the intimacy of our steps laid in devotion and the return gift of earth offered holy to our stride. It's all right here - God, heaven and the moment of connection.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Point

Here's the point- running is not just about the body. Nor is it solely a discipline of the mind. Running is the play of parts within the whole. There is only spirit unfolding in the illusion of separation - a wave cresting on the oceans view before returning to the source. We are a wave amidst the infinite cresting in a moments pleasure. Running is our field of play. A successful run is a reminder that all parts come together in their own return as one.


Monday, June 15, 2015


We are no less then the universe channeled to finite form - each step a pinpoint of the infinite returning to the whole. Running is not the confrontation of distance but the embrace of our entirety in the smallness of a step. We find there can be no limits to the distance that we cover when we too are endless in our sweep.


Sunday, June 14, 2015

To Be The Light And The Caress

The body is fiction. We are the light of stars and sun held in temporary form. Our body is the vehicle of exploration through the world of duality. We dream the absence of light to know our own illumination. Running is the thread of motion through the stilled fabric of our being. It's the dynamic play of illusions - a caress is only known against the form of something other then itself. We run to know ourselves as motion and more to know the feel of earth and air against the flesh.


Saturday, June 13, 2015

Running Lessons From The Upanishads

He who sees everything as nothing but the Self,
and the Self in everything he sees,
such a seer withdraws from nothing.
For the enlightened, all that exists is nothing but the Self,
so how could any suffering or delusion continue
for those who know this Oneness?
- Upanishads

Distance is no more then the Self stretched in open invitation - we are asked to explore the spaciousness of being by thought and step. It's Self-inquiry through motion. We run not to confront ourselves with distance but to know ourselves too as infinite in nature. It's the subtle understanding that our worlds touch as one. As we move through obstacles of thought that block our light of being - distance unfolds in unobstructed wonder for our steps to follow. Self reflecting Self in a continuous journey of observation. We come to find ourselves as endless in our beauty.


Friday, June 12, 2015

The Demonstration Of Our Purpose

We are a single point of being touched between earth and the endless stretch of sky. We are vital to the flow of all things. Running brings us to a consciousness of connection - each step a brief press against the ground and then once more given to the air. Every run is a demonstration of our purpose. All worlds touch at our existence.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

Forgive And Run

Forgiveness doesn't negate the past but it lends its grace towards the future. Our bodies hold the memory of every mile that came before. We are the end result of accumulate distance and the promise of infinite miles more. This is the karmic dialogue of body and soul - and act of forgiveness extends the conversation further. Forgiveness brings us to the zero point of existence - our karma is understood and released with only wisdom gained for a new beginning. We can forgive our minds and bodies at anytime and benefit from the immediate grace of this decision. We come to the next step unimpeded by karmic load that we have carried. This is new energy. It's not meant to erase the past but to urge us forward again with the promise of miles ahead and a clear view to find them. The plan is simple - I forgive myself for my struggles, my fear, and my doubts. I forgive myself for any steps that may have faltered. I forgive my judgments on myself and others. I forgive. I forgive. I forgive.
And so my steps continue.


Wednesday, June 10, 2015


It's the earth that pulls us back - the gravity of steps again against the sacred. We travel as a walking prayer. Our faith is laid in distance.

All steps against the earth are sacred. Not all are realized in this connection. Run, walk, travel knowing fully that you're touching home.
The rest is details.


Tuesday, June 9, 2015


It's navigation - our path is infinite as well as long. Running is the exploration of mind projected underfoot. We seek wildness in the place of thought and body. This is the vast expanse of self merged in the continuation of worlds. We find we have no end and the length of any particular distance begins again our journey. We are limitless.

To navigate is to run without concern for finish, time or distance - it's the continuation of what has always come before yet now found again in different form.


Monday, June 8, 2015

Blessing Place

Each step a blessing given and received. Our breath a blessing drawn and released. We run to extend ourselves past boundaries of known order. Where a gift is singular in its reception and offer. Running is our blessing place. It's here we give our presence to world - blessing with every step and breath. It's here the world opens with a blessing of her own. There is no place our steps are not welcomed.


Sunday, June 7, 2015


We wander - our thoughts set loose and steps stretched long. There is no place found far away. As travelers we have the expanse of mind matched with distance. Our interior world found beneath our steps. There is much to see.
And so we wander.


Saturday, June 6, 2015

Our Way

It's our way - to run at length and continue past fatigue and doubt and all the reason to quit that will arise. It's our way to carry on.
It's simply what we do.


Friday, June 5, 2015

Dark Steps

The one great revelation of distance is that we are our own darkness as well as the illumination. Running brings us intimate with the pain of continuation - another step is not always the promise that our suffering will pass. These are the dark steps of the soul and no less then emersion will bring us to dawn. Faith is our deliverance - faith that the far side of distance is not empty of dark but holds the promise of light within the darkness. It's the promise of our own fullness of being.


Thursday, June 4, 2015


Lost in the fall of their becoming...each step
soon a kiss against the
All paths lead to absorption.

Running is our return path to the eternal - we give our steps again to earth in a brief rebirth of ground to flesh. We touch home. Through distance our focus sharpens and we bear witness to the cessation of self while steps merge to a larger sense of one. Running becomes our meditation of absorption - again we are the elements that compose all things. In time we lose this vision and once more run as if separate from the source. But our steps know better and distance calls for our return. We always do.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Our World(s) Expand

Distance running increases our capacity for enjoyment - we are no longer bound by narrow confines of pleasure and now seek ecstatic states beyond the known. Our steps deliver. There are worlds within the touch of breath and step - each opening to the awareness brought to their existence. Through distance we are at once enlarged as spirit and diminished as ego - our focus is narrow yet vision broadened. All things and every possibility exist at once. We have endless worlds to discover. These subtle realms reach past pleasures of thought and body - we learn to coincide spirit with the material to the point of merger. We bring a depth of joy to steps now taken. Our world has expanded.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Least Effort

Just a moment let go, a single step taken - and distance unfolds in the grace of small actions. It's the least effort accumulated over time that brings us here. The heart knows the perfection of its beat without our counsel. Our next breath will fall on its own accord. There is an ease to nature even during the greatest storms. We too are part of this greater wisdom. We are of nature. Running is the dynamic and joyful expression of our essential self. Our celebration is in this remembrance. Effort is given in the amount that allows our joy to open. Nothing more is needed.


Monday, June 1, 2015

The Way

It's not the opposite of stillness - it's the awareness of a quiet peace expanding past the boundaries held before. At the deepest truth - motion and stillness are the same.
It's the Tao we know as running.
