Saturday, June 13, 2015

Running Lessons From The Upanishads

He who sees everything as nothing but the Self,
and the Self in everything he sees,
such a seer withdraws from nothing.
For the enlightened, all that exists is nothing but the Self,
so how could any suffering or delusion continue
for those who know this Oneness?
- Upanishads

Distance is no more then the Self stretched in open invitation - we are asked to explore the spaciousness of being by thought and step. It's Self-inquiry through motion. We run not to confront ourselves with distance but to know ourselves too as infinite in nature. It's the subtle understanding that our worlds touch as one. As we move through obstacles of thought that block our light of being - distance unfolds in unobstructed wonder for our steps to follow. Self reflecting Self in a continuous journey of observation. We come to find ourselves as endless in our beauty.


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