Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tempo, Thoughts and Stillness

I ran 11 miles today. Two sessions - 8 miles fopr my tempo run, consisting of a mile warmup, 6 miles at tempo pace nd then a mile (+) cool down. Later in the day I ran an easy 3 miles. A tempo run with running on edge, a balancing act of speed, ease and grace - if we step too quick there comes a fall from pace and too slow and the edge becomes dull. There is a limit to maintaiinng a tempo pace - we risk burnout with too long or too hard. I train this once a week. Yet many blaze through life at tempo speed, seldom slowing to the pace that leads to fulfillment. St. Augustain claimed that a fast mind was a diseased mind. Too often we confuse quick with effective. Often there will be times when we need a tempo speed of thought (or a sprint) yet if it comes from a mind that is in constant overdive it will be less effective then a mind that leaps from stillness to response. Thoughts that come from a creatibe bank of inspiration have power. They're ours to use.
My final 3 miles today were slow and easy - enjoyable and I felt refreshed and recovered from my hard effort. Tomorrow will be another slow, easy day. And when the time comes for speed of effort -
I'll be ready.


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