Thursday, June 2, 2011

Training Log - 06/02/11 and some training thoughts

Todays workout -
1. Long cycle -16kgs 5:00 40 reps
2. Pushup circuit -20/10/10/10 (reg/close/wide/med ball)
3. Various band stuff
4. V-ups/fit ball crunch -2x10/10

Nice and easy today - no running and light on the long cycle. Clean and press tomorrow and maybe snatches although I may be better served to skip them and let my back and hamstrings rest even more. Registration is sent for CAT50K and training starts right now - including North Face 50k! Taking a page from Eric Orten's book (when he finally writes his future bestseller) and concentrate on strength and power. I'm not going to get out of breath on an ultra - at least not for long - but I may end up having certain body parts ache and throb. This is less likely to happen the stronger the muscle. So speed, strength, power, hills fartlek and tempo runs are all in order.

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