Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Training For Today (and training plan thoughts)

Todays training -

1.One arm clean & press –@16kgs 5x(1/2/3/4)
2.Pullups/close grip chins – 2x(1/2/3/4)
3.Swings -@28kgs 2:00 40 reps
5.Run -7.5 bike path (Bikilas LS)

One more day of clean & presses left on this cycle and I'll have to decide if I wish to stick with it for another. I mainly switched to give my legs a bit of a break from long cycle and something different, as the kettlbell sport moves have been the mainstay of my lifting for 3+ years - and for great over all results as far as that goes. Yet with a vegan diet, and uktra running I difinitely lost strength (I did a cycle of this same workout 3 years ago using the 32kg kettlebell)not to mention that I'm the lightest I have been since a teenager - heck even by my senior year in High School I hit 190lbs with some serious lifting. That's 50lbs heavier. Anyway ultra running is my game right now (and for as long as I can see at least) but a strong ultra runner is what I would still like to be. So I wouyld like to gain some strength back through ETK (Enter the Kettlebell) and then switch back more exclusively to GS for my strength and conditioning for running. So I'm leaning towards another 1-2 cycles at least before switching back. But as always - my thoughts are flexible on the matter. Decent runs throughout the week and ready to tackle a string of 20's in my long runs leading up to CAT. tHANKS FOR READING!

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