Thursday, June 23, 2011

Solitairy Pursuits

My solitairy pursuits -meditating, poetry,kettlebell training,long distance running. Ane even though I participate along with others on some of these activitites - at their core I remain apart, as we all must in our solitairy quest that's lead by an inward drive of exploration. And yet the irony here is that the deeper we dive into our pursuit of one - the more we begin to experince the true realization of One. Nothing desolves the ego in so gentle and brutal a manner as a very long run through the hills and woods and far reaching trails. As the legs tire we turn to ego and competition to push further and faster - but ego only takes us so far and soon disolves to a surrender of self and the embrace of motion, pain, and the trail itself. We are erased and the true run begins - movement in the sense of freedom from restriction, motion pure in its delight. Thoughts pass the mind swift and leave no trace - there is no time to miss them for we have entered a timless zone of mindful awe and wonder. We are running - yet more we are flight expressed on ground and a brief kiss of air against and below us. Only later, in review do we claim authorship of the poetry of the run - the ego reborn claims its due. But some part of us rememebers, and stores a cherished time away in a shared expereince of the soul. Some deep part of us recognizes this memory within another - and a quick knowing smile is passed even as we're left to wonder why. The soul knows. Always.

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