Thursday, June 9, 2011

Todays Training

Todays workout -
1. Long cycle -@20kgs 6:00 27 reps
2. Get ups -@20kg 5:00 (switch on minute)
3. Pushups -2x20
4. Plank/fit ball crunch - 1:00/25
5. Run - bike path 4.0 (Bikilas LS)

Tempo(ish0 run today with a one mile warm up and the following two done at arond 8:02 with a one mile cool down. Big debate right now is whether or not I'm up to racing a 5k on Sunday after my long run on Saturday (15 miles.) I haven't had any real rest since the 50k and a particularly slow 5k might not be the pleasent day for me right now. Still it would be a speed workout on tired legs - so the (tentative) plan is long run on Saturday. 5k Sunday morning followed by another 2-3 in the afternoon. Saty tuned to any changes!

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