Thursday, March 19, 2020

Yes, I Am

what I am - and I know less now than ever before, identifying as both capacity and its hold, personality and the impersonal expression of life's flow. The final beckon of every inquiry is to relax in what's found right now - no need to rush again in search of more satisfying answers. But just this moment alone being all that can be provided. What I am is beyond an answer, and even more it's not within the realm of proper questions. To limit myself as form would miss the vast space between every atom of my existence. Knowing myself as any quality of thought, mind, or personality refuses to grasp the silence that allows for their appearance. This too shows the impossible task of separating from observation - that I am seer and seen is evident through my view. So what am I? To this I'll need no reply other than to say, that yes - I am. 


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