Tuesday, March 10, 2020

And Then Awe

and then awe - it's seeing the world first, that everything belongs as is, simply for the reason that it's all found in the moment of my viewing. It's the first blush of awareness of my being aware, seeing, and just before a thought to follow. Everything just is, needing no arrangement, laid out by the nature of it's own design. To what follows is the common state of life, added descriptions of my own, a rush of judgement to what's been seen, and then continued to the everyday. Yet - it's never quite the same. That brief glimpse of the ordinary grace that allows this all to be, reality undiluted by my own sense of self-importance, that this world exist without cause or reason known, spontaneous in appearing - I am left in senseless awe that I am, and part of this belonging. 


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