Thursday, October 25, 2018

Review - The Ten Thousand Things By Robert Saltzman

Discernment - that, for me, is the true gift of The Ten Thousand Things. All beliefs now become a question, yet not in an aggressive, answer seeking way but more so an open ended inquiry without need of final answers. It's simply see the openness that surrounds any perceived truth. The Ten Thousand Things systematically (for me through repeated readings) installs a "spiritual BS detector" that rings a silent alarm whenever one is confronted with the certainty of a guru, master or teacher. That's discernment. Robert is not a guru and he won't lead one to awakening - but he might, verbally and visually, shove one (usually gently and always kindly) in the right direction through his words and stunning photographs. Yet only if we're lucky. The Ten Thousand Things has been a significant book for me, more so than many "spiritual classics" due the language that meets the reader right where they now find themselves. There is nothing to decipher, nothing to take for granted, and nothing argued as a final truth. It's an invitation for the reader to find their own truth - with every given moment. There is freedom from (and even within) seeking and The Ten Thousand Things points the way.


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