Thursday, October 11, 2018

In The Mind Of God

in the mind of God - perhaps I'm no more than a imagined figure, a dreamed life that wakes in certain understanding to the fiction of it's days. Truthfully it's a bigger concept than I care to know, my own inquiry always leads me exactly here, to this moment, and I find it undivided from the whole. Perhaps this too is my awakening - and everything else just details of the dream. 
In the mind of God - I am.

And this is all that I can say. 

I take poetic licence here with the term God and could just have easily (and maybe more fittingly) used existence. I like both terms. Today I used the word God. No reason other than it sounded pleasing to me. Please don't take these words as any sort of truth at all, it was simply a moment of exploration to see where words might lead me - and this is what I found. 


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