Sunday, November 25, 2012

On Losing A Friend

So a friend has written me out of her life, just a moments notice and not a word said in advance. I could rationalize and tell myself that I am better off without someone like that in my life and like all rationalization there may be some truth behind such thought. But the bottom line is that it always hurts to lose someone and to lose someone because they feel there is a flaw in my personality hurts all the worse. Truth is there are many flaws in my personality and in everyone as well - that's life and that's people. We come to love one another through our flaws. They're gifts. Viewed through different eyes what seems as a flaw can reflect back to us a deeper truth - if we're willing to see ourselves reflected back from another eyes. Not many are. So news that someone may hold a negative opinion of me is not hurtful - but that they would sacrifice our friendship over it does indeed hurt. My heart is always open for a friend and does not slam shut by their behavior (at least not for long - once I'm over myself the door remains open) The best I can do is say I love you. And I do.


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