Thursday, November 15, 2012

Responibility, Forgiveness and Letting Go of Harmful People

Sometimes it seems it's best to let things go - things and people. In the end, it's the clinging to false ideals and expectations that cause our suffering. The Buddha would tells us that's it's grasping at illusions that causes our emotional distress and A Course In Miracles would agree telling us that only love is real and nothing unreal exist. That thought takes some pondering but when it hits home it's a powerful truth. And that's the real lesson of forgiveness - forgiving the unreal and forgiving ourselves for believing it as real. That's what gives us freedom. For many - forgiveness is a passive issue - a simple turning of the cheek to only to be struck again. True forgiveness is karma yoga in it's highest form, it's a living and active force and takes us out of harms way because we are no longer stuck in a reactive situation. We are responsive - or responsible (able to respond in a proactive manner) It's time now for me to forgive and allow harmful habits and relationships to fall away. It's time to be responsible - and let go.


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