Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Shades of Understanding

then, we see it's spring - and the world is
green in the shade of 

it's how one thing shifts, subtle in a seasonal sense of life presenting itself in beginning bloom - it's just a touch of green, flowers in their first bud, and air in promise of coming warmth. Yet there's no break between seasons, no sudden end to one so the next begins. There's a spontaneous order in nature's wisdom, things occurring just right for the next to be, and nothing can be rushed to bring the perfect light touched against a branch to urge its blossom, or rainfall given to earth to for it to green. It all happens on its own. 
This too is how we see, truly seeing - days ago it seemed the world was winter, life waiting for warmth to show itself in vibrant color. But all the while life, expressed in seasons, was simply happening, no agenda other than its own occurrence. Spring was happening even in winter's decline. To see, is only a pause in our own rush for things to be other than they are now. We see, in perfect understanding, that it's all happening, only, and exactly, as it will. 


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