Monday, March 11, 2019

The Wing Sutra

from wingtip - to the flight of
its expansion, 

a bird knows nothing apart from sky

and its own sense of 

Our mistake is that we believe there is an edge of thought and skin that keeps us apart from the touch of world, sky, and even stars - we think there is an inner essence of being that is remote from what we view, a separate self removed in all but seeing and interpretation of the seen. Yet is there a space buffered between flesh and sky? Do we find thoughts existing on their own without belonging to the whole? Is there any line of separation that tells us we are not continued in formless air? A bird finds flight as its own natural expression, it's not freedom offered to a trapped entity imprisoned by its own beliefs - the sky is simply an invitation for a bird to be itself in flight. It's own natural wonder. The wingtip is at no point separate from air, and too its seen that the sky does not give way for the presence of a bird - its the wing sutra, emptiness now expressed in form, and the wing showing itself fully as the sky. 
Yet always, only, its just one thing. 


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