Friday, March 29, 2019

Always Room For What Is

I don't discard this heaviness, what might be called depression - seeking to escape is my option for suffering. What appears in presence is always a mystery, never a chosen state, and seldom announced in arrival or its stay. What is present, is, and that alone is the grace of my salvation. Yes, I might be choice-less in regard to what's happening, but I am free in options, to seek aid, to reach out, to engage my own self in the capacity of healing. Options appear in the clarity of being open to what's here, in allowing things to unfold in their own timeline and story, to neither cling, deny, or wish away - just simply see that this too belongs by nature of its appearance, and that within this very same nature there is enough space for patience, kindness, and tenderness as well. This then, is my own nature too, that which is welcoming and not seeking an escape. If it appears, it is loved, even if its wished away, for that also is an appearance in this open, welcoming nature - here, this presence, there's always room for what is. 


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