Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Until There Comes A Letting Go

and even effort, striving, belongs - until 
there comes a letting go,

which happens always on
it's own. 

our lives are effortlessly lived, yet often full of hardship and struggle - and in this there is no contradiction, but only recognition that everything belongs in the moment of it's appearance, and will leave in the timing of it's own. We make work to make things better, to ease our suffering, and this too is perfect as it happens. Yet nothing changes until conditions arrive for change to occur - and the wonder of life is that everything does change, indeed, life is constant in it's motion, never static even for an instant. Therein is the effortlessness of it all - with no separation of ourselves from any aspect of life, we too are constant in change and motion, always gaining life by breath and heartbeat, giving back in respiration of shared existence. No thought belongs to this gifting, nothing is needed in the simplicity of Being. 
It all happens on it's own. 
To this we don't deny our own sense of gratification of trying, attempting to achieve something that seems to require a bit more than life provides on it's own. It's the nature of the mind to strive. Natural, and too part of the great belonging - as is the eventual letting go, and then allowance for life to be, for things to change and the subtle shift for a world in different shades of now. We may claim the authorship of doing - but in truth, we're simply part of this great allowing. 


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