Saturday, August 29, 2020

I Am Being

I am being - finding myself as an extension of the whole, life in process, and everything getting done through me, yet not by any effort of my own. This isn't passive or resignation of action, but the sudden revelation of myself as the world, an aspect of life not removed in any sense, and simply working in function with every aspect found. I am an expression of the whole, no different than a flower expressed in bloom, belonging equally to earth and sky, and vital in it's pollination. The flower is being fully itself, without effort of design, and yet by some divine urge it's given from earth, accepted by the sky, releasing its very essence in a prayer of continuation. A flower is life being itself in this one, unique expression. 

So here I find myself in union with a flower - I am being, in my own unique way, and no less vital. To question my function is to second guess the world, a mistrust of universal will. Of course I do question myself, wondering of a mis-guess for my own belonging. But it only takes a moment letting go in nature, a return to an order known by every particle of being, my own release of self in a prayer of continuation as earth, and air, and all things that live and flower. It only takes a moment to fond that, truly, I am being. 


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