Saturday, August 15, 2020

Only What's True For Me

going by only what's true for me, and only for this moment - of being aware, and what's brought to note through my attention. The world comes alive through my senses, telling me its story through air against skin, sounds carried to my ears, and the view in new unfolding scenes. I am joined to this all, intimate in my participation, more than witness - I am the occurrence of sensations, of sounds, and every detail seen. It's not metaphysical, nor a philosophy of studied information, this is all too seamless to be anything other than direct, firsthand, and true for me alone. I can't offer anything but this, an account of my own moments, and what's true now may later prove false in telling, or at least grown distant by memory. Yet even than there's another truth to be told, more life to be known through the senses now, and then now, and now...always a direct telling of my own occurrence and how the world offers itself so fully to each moment, that I am an equal expression of its offering. Going by only what's true for me, and only for this moment - these words are shared, with no idea of what may follow.


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