Monday, August 17, 2020

What I Can Do

here's what I can do - only note this letting go, that each moment arrives already surrendered and nothing is held past its length of stay. There is no practice that brings me to this moment, nothing to deepen this awareness. Yet I do enjoy quiet moments of observation, watching thoughts and sensation come to my attention and pass without my interference or concern. I have a sense of peace in knowing myself as motion, an effortless effect beyond control, and that right now I am part of this letting go, shifting to new cells even as my body seems to cling to present form, I am reborn in the very instant of release. I make none of this happen, I'm aware only of finding myself complete through each moment, delivered by motion as a promise passing, that what comes next is never guaranteed. This becomes enough for me, through sitting, watching myself as motion, and more, knowing that it's all done without personal involvement, beyond consent or control. What I am is already surrendered, becoming, and then let go - it's just this infinite change, and somehow a given moment to simply be aware. What I can do is recognize the world as motion - and note myself in passing. 


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