Monday, August 24, 2020

Yoga By Glance

this is yoga by glance, a first look to revelation of my seamless nature. My view this morning unfolds as an awakening of belonging, from room, then window, and there I meet the world. Nothing is apart from me. The day begins with yoga, an actual stretch of union to all that's found, my capacity of allowing matched by morning sky. What's revealed is the simplicity of being, there's no need to strive for perfect union, without effort I am immediately accepted by the world. It happens every morning, and only plays as a ritual for my sense of belonging. What I note first is the view, what's found in my surroundings, and then further the coming day that greets me - each bird, cloud, the reach of sun just now finding itself on windowsill before committing fully to light my room. Every morning is a different view, a dawn of possibilities brought new, unique in the beauty that it offers. Yet what greets the morning is always somehow the same, an emptiness to filled by light and varied objects, capacity offering itself to hold whatever comes to be known. It's intimacy in a stretch to find one more thing that belongs - it's my own endless reach. 

This is my own personal yoga by glance and view: a routine of natural occurrence and only noted as an exercise of attention. It's about gratitude. Another morning and I find myself alive, gifted to be aware of this new day. It's beautiful right now. And I'm thankful. 


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