Friday, August 21, 2020

In Its Allowing Nature

Life - in its allowing nature:

it's not my allowing, but simply life in constant openness, inviting my involvement through details that garner my attention. It seems I have little say in what life delivers, from beauty to the distressing sites that plague the world, good fortune to tragedies personal and large -life continues to offer it all without discernment. Certainly I wish to stack the odds in my favor, care for my health and well being, avoid the things that may harm me. Yet still life will allow what it does without my agreement. What I if find is that I am matched to life with my own openness, indeed, that life can't be viewed as a separate event that happens to me, but that I am fully in the currents as its very own flow. It's not that I allow - it's that I am only allowing, an aspect of life in response to every other aspect found. What appears is what's allowed and there's no argument otherwise, even in the moment that I argue it's all immediately accepted. So what is - is. But in in this exact  moment it's already changing, becoming something other, offering only motion, and what I view as present reality is what's left in its wake. My moment is always now. Right here - I find a morning fully allowed, sun light inched to window and casting an urge for me to join further in the day. I know, right now, only of possibilities, that whatever the day holds will somehow belong, and that always, always, I am life in its allowing nature. 


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