Thursday, August 13, 2020

A Simple Inquiry of Looking

My starting point, a simple inquiry of looking - do I see the seer? This isn't a philosophical investigation, it's not mind game with end results of being clever. It's about opening up to the moment, finding what's present and how I fit in with it all. That I am aware is without question, before even looking I hear rain against the window, cars moving on damp streets, and birds muted in their song. I feel cool air from a nearby vent, noting my skins response of appreciation. I see the room from which I'm writing, and from a window I see the rain, cars, and birds. I'm aware of it all. Yet this isn't about attention, nor a mindful exercise of meditation. This is just allowing the world to find it's place through the morning of my awareness. The inquiry is this - who is it that sees the morning come alive? Who is it that's aware? This isn't an exhaustive search, truthfully I'm not even looking for answers. It's just turn around glance to find both the absence of seer and the pure, gentle, seamless grace of simply seeing. It's about looking, just once, for my faceless face, the one that is fluid in appearance as every object of the world. This is seeing myself as capacity as well as content, somehow an even exchange of form and immaterial wonder, a mysterious trade of self to selfless in constant fashion happening completely on its own. I take no part in any of this. It's an effortless inquiry that begins and ends with seeing. All that's left is a mystery - and a lifetime to explore.


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