Saturday, August 1, 2020

My Truest Reality

to be sure - and for things to meet this caution, any speculation of my own consciousness, my reach of will, and sense of what is true past any moment, there is so little I know as certain. Right now, my senses lie to me, my sight and hearing lag in their delivery, literally past scenes and sounds received as current information. It's the nature of light and waves of vibrations. Perhaps my surest sense is touch, but only if left without a story, a caress given solely, purely to the experience found at hand. My truest reality it seems, is always uncertain. Yet, this too leads to peace - a comfort of free-fall, knowing the shock of any landing belongs to the impact of arrival. Until then there's just the fall. And my sense of ground is always changing, never certain. So what I know is a changing moment, shifting even as I grasp for insight, once more left in the empty hold of constant motion. What I know is already gone. This free-fall just continues....


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