Tuesday, August 18, 2020

It's The Body That's Enlightened

it's the body that's enlightened, it's ease of function, effortless and without command given to perform its role of life. Everything works in benefit of the whole, to keep in motion, and express itself fully. I am blessed for this to be so. Yet I find myself wondering at the perceived separation of my body and the world at large, that I feel air pressed against me as intimate as my own skin, and breathe it as vital for my continuation. Why not too consider this my body? And further on to the sun, it's very light needed to exist at all, no less so for me than every tree and flower. Where than does my body truly end? I find no point from my morning view that doesn't offer me something of my own sense of being, life in every aspect of itself, perfect in its expression. It seems the universe itself is enlightened. In this light everything becomes my practice, a meditation of noting my own belonging, breathing as the world, a spark of sunlit form in minor offering to each plant that I might encounter, one true body in the grace and enlightenment of its function. It's good to be alive, to be part of this, grateful of my role. 


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