Friday, August 28, 2020

This Body

this body too, it's not separate from world  - my very touch is skin on air, a constant press of infinite space accepting me in its hold. I am the stuff of earth, a tide as well shore. No different. Yet I find myself aware, able to note distinctions as well as my belonging. That's the difference, being somehow gifted to know myself as a valued part in a seamless existence, that I am, and so too am I simply life happening now. 

This is the body, gathered material of dust and function, measured elements held to form. It's a true belonging, it's earth and star made particles, made of nature itself. To bring attention to this is to find myself no less a continuation of life in ebb and flow. What's gathered now will someday be released, earth again, borrowed light returned to stars. Will I return as well? Regathered to another form? I have no idea. It doesn't matter. Right now I am life in full flow and recognize as well that the ebb coincides - I come and go in the blink of a cosmic eye, newly given cells instantly gifted. I have no say in any of this. It all continues on its own. Life.

And what of awareness? Does this too come and go? Or perhaps it's the cosmic eye that watches all that passes? Better thinkers will have to answer. I have no idea. I am aware now, and this comes as gifted as every new cell that makes my body. I have no say in any of it. It continues on its own. Life. And be aware brings a deep appreciation for what continues and a deeper gratitude for what ceases in present form. It's an awakeness of motion. That's what I know, that life is motion, a happening of events curved through stillness. Seamless. 

So, I am gifted with form, given this body made of whole cloth, connected to earth and stars. 

I am aware.

And I'm grateful for it all. 


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