Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Just Be

Just Be:

but so too is my reaction, my sense of self, and every thought that lends itself to a belief - each is a reality of any moment they might appear, not lasting, yet still as much allowed as any other thought deemed holy or enlightened. There is no need to cultivate a perfect mind, indeed, my own relief has been in letting these notions go. My life is acceptance and always has been - I just didn't know this. Certainly I accepted somethings, many instantly, and so many more after struggle and refusal to simply see that this is all the moment offered. But everything belonged, all immediately, and even my battle for things to be otherwise fit perfect to the moment. It's just how things happened. This isn't about going with the flow so much as realizing that I am the flow, life streaming as the only reality that can be known, and this often provides a reaction, a strong belief that something can and should be done to fix things. Perhaps there is something and that too will be provided exactly when it comes, no amount of willful demands on my part will bring it any sooner. I have an easy role - be. That's all, be alive, be strong, be weak, be full, be empty. Just be. From me, nothing else is needed. 


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