Saturday, April 13, 2024

Content Creator

Content creator: 

there's at least two terms that label what I'm doing on YouTube, social influencer and content creator, and neither of these feel quite right for me to use. I'm most certainly not seeking to influence anyone, perhaps inspire a little, urging others to use a social media platform to share their own unique voice and vision in some creative way. While content creator seems to give me more credit then I really deserve here, as I'm mainly just talking and sharing aspects of my daily life. 

it's far too simple to truly need a label. 

especially as I consider so much of what I share to be flawed, there's no editing involved, and little concern for how others might view the thing that are shared. My nature clips are often shaky and are of common sights of what many people see daily, with the most recent being a squirrel nibbling an acorn near a stream. It's ordinary, and that's what captures my imagination, just a small miraculous moment of existence shared with others. I consider it art, but not mine, nature does all of the arrangement, including placing me exactly where I'm needed to witness such a view. 

it's the same with my talks that I live stream daily. I'm not influencing anyone here, or even creating content, I'm simply sharing conversation, my imagination feeding off of any comments provided, unconcerned with any thoughts of teaching or if my current views match the expectations of others, Often, I'm challenged by those who see things differently than I do, entering the conversation with a need to debate and prove me wrong. But these days I'm largely unattached to my own opinions, these conversations are just words with useful labels and not the actual experiences that I share. So there's no need for me to be defensive or even force an explanation. 

my only role is to share.

the question most often asked if there's any need for any of this, does any of this really need to be shared at all - and of course the answer is no, it doesn't, and yet I find myself doing so anyway. There doesn't always need to be a purpose, and what I do doesn't have to be explained. But sometimes I like to off a description, that my attempt with this platform is for sake of an artful conversation and it's not between myself and anyone else at all - it's just life talking through the variety of its presentation, infinite aspects of which I am one, and for some reason, there's a wish to share it further. 

so I do. 

and content is created completely on its own.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Common Grackle 

Also, please visit to buy: The Wise Heart 

Thank you. 

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