Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Intuitive Sense of Flow

Intuitive sense of flow: 

lately my asana sessions have taken on a more flowing quality, having a lightness and ease that seems to have arrived completely on its own. My original practice was self taught from a book when I was fairly young and later supplemented by attending yoga classes, mostly based on the Sivananda style of holding postures for specific periods of time with relaxation poses interspersed throughout. As well there was a long streak of Bikram yoga, again with the asanas held for a certain length and allowing the heat to cleanse the mind and body. 

and I thoroughly enjoyed it all.

every means of practice.

mostly though, I enjoy my solo time of yoga, first thing in early morning and having the asanas open up my body, feeling expansive, awakening. I've based these sessions on all I've learned through the years, recent teacher training, and an intuitive sense of flow. I'm learning to listen to my body more now, but even deeper, there's an energy present that's really leading the way though my practice. This is prana, the energetic foundation of life, and it's my true instructor, calling for my surrender and for me to abandon any sense of being in control. This yoga is being expressed through me, my body an instrument of its bidding. thoughts becoming calm and then falling still completely.

it's a beautiful practice. 

as if a grace has been gifted.


but I give myself fully to this intuitive sense of flow...

and simply continue with my practice.


Peace, Eric

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: April 

Also, please visit to buy: Being Aware of Being Aware

Thank you. 

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