Saturday, April 6, 2024

Visual Haiku

Visual haiku:

I've been increasingly drawn to short form video, using the YouTube platform to share what I now think of as a visual haiku. It's just a short clip of what nature reveals on my daily walks and runs, seldom edited, so at once showing my lack of camera skills as well as the beauty of the day. Perhaps as my interest grows I'll take the time to further my skills behind the scene, but it's doubtful, as I think than that I would become too involved in the process, wishing to perfect each clip instead of simply leaving the moment itself to show through - that my true and only involvement was in the instant that's being shown.

mistakes and all. 

so for me, the visual haiku is the entire moment, including the scan through surrounding brush and branches to finally pinpoint the object of my search, a shakiness revealing my barely contained excitement, the abrupt and reluctant departure as I tear my lens away. They're not really mistakes, really, they're simply part of the entirety of nature, a moment captured that include my enthusiasm as well as lack of skill. I'm absolutely fine with that, I have zero interest in highlighting my ability with a camera, the haiku is the moment itself and my awkwardness belongs fully to the scene.

and I feel fortunate to share it. 

mistakes and all. 

of course this is only my perspective, and that's what I most truly love about this newly discovered art-form, that in the entirety of the universe there is only the uniqueness of this instant and I am blessed to be included here. There will be better, higher skilled clips of nature nature shown, and I will love being able to watch them, knowing that whoever filmed them was caught up within their own unique and universal perspective. 

it's an awesome privilege. 

and I am blessed to have my own. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Well Balanced 

Also, please visit to buy: Happiness and the Art of Being 

Thank you. 

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