Friday, April 5, 2024

Well Balanced

Well balanced:

an insight occurred to me this morning doing my asana yoga session, one that might not surprise too many of my close friends, but none the less struck me as important - that I'm not well balanced, never have been and it's doubtful that I'll ever be. Yet I'll keep trying. And truly I mean this as much emotionally as I do physically, how every aspect of my life is in a process of adjustment, always shifting to maintain any sense of equilibrium. 

I am not well balanced, 


there's always a state motion, balancing, fluid, and with this I find that there's always a return to center, it's how I navigate through life. The balancing asanas really reflect this so perfectly, with my first tentative approach to entering a certain pose, an attempt to hold myself steady in the sway of body as well as the unsteadiness of thoughts. Yet I stay with it, adjusting with an intuitive trust of where I need to be, sometimes moving just a fraction of a direction to find a point of poise. 


what I find is that no, I'm not well balanced, but I am perfectly equipped to make these fractional adjustments, being able to return repeatedly to center as often as it's needed. To be poised doesn't mean the absence of motion, life is far too dynamic for this to ever occur. What happens is that I finally come to trust the swaying of both my mind and body, that there is an innate wisdom present that only calls for my surrender, to have faith, not in a fictional state of balance - but in the motion itself, knowing that there is grace within every fall. 

even more so in my return. 


and with this...I find a certain poise.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Spring Arrives 

Also, please visit to buy: Passage Meditation

Thank you. 

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