Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Grace and Poise

Grace and poise: 

maybe it's the warmer weather, spring finally taking hold and my body now responding to its warmth and shifting from a winter's length of back pain. Or it could be my perseverance paying off, that I worked through this injury with carefulness and patience, being mindful of even the slightest twinge and making instant adjustments to ease my way into each pose. In either case, I am not yet healed, but feel that I am well on my way to at least a less painful practice. 

and so with this, I'm reintroducing some postures that I've been unable to perform for the length of this injury. Or I should clarify that I can them now without pain involved or any linger discomfort that used to last for several days. Oddly, it was bringing these postures back into the fold that finally allowed me to turn the corner on my pain. This was a big deal for me mentally, as well as energetically, as I was missing what these asanas offered, feeling that my practice suffered from their absence.

even if that was only in my mind. 

it's really all connected.

as my body instantly responded. 

one of these asanas is standing bow, Dandayamana Dhanurasana, a beautiful lengthening pose that stretches through the spine and opens up the chest and shoulders. It's long been a favorite of mind, lending itself to a sense of grace and equanimity that symbolizes yoga for me. I'm happy for its return yet approach with great care and caution, unwilling to sacrifice my long recovery for even a moment's grace within this pose. This is easy to forget though, as the standing bow has always called for my surrender, urging me to commit myself to the possibility of falling forward from the pose as I stretch the entire length of my body. It's a tempting bit of poise, a moment of grace and balance for the price of a backache tomorrow. I've made this trade before, and probably will again. 

yet for now,

 just this small taste of grace and poise is enough to suit me.

it bring me back for tomorrow morning.

and again the day after.

sometimes a taste is all that's needed.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: This Shade of Green 

Also, please visit to buy: The Luminous Self 

Thank you, Eric 

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