Sunday, April 21, 2024

Giving My Surrender

Giving my surrender:

to give my surrender, and the impossibility of such a task is now a cause for me to smile, knowing that any such release is not through any effort of my own, but simply the natural point of reality letting go of that which can't be held. What a relief to finally arrive at this realization, one more concept dismissed and now I'm free of this concern. What's seen is that I have never truly surrendered a single thing, nothing has ever been let go by force of will, nor even as a spiritual practice.

life just happens.

being always in motion.

and everything is already, always, surrendered.

with nothing left for me to give.

but of course this is a realization, an insight that arrived to me through many years of practice and rituals performed. That's how it sometimes is, or so it seems, that our beliefs have gathered in a cluster of actions that we call a practice, and that we have great faith in the magic of their performance. Yet it's life itself that carries out the details. That's how it is with surrender, it's never about our actions, we don't cause any such thing to happen, and there's nothing for us to give but a smile as life easily moves on. 

everything is already surrendered.

even as it happens.

and that's the reason for our smile.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Patience, Surrender, Trust 

Also, please visit to buy: The Surrender Experiment 

Thank you. 

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