Tuesday, April 23, 2024

My Hours With God

My hours with God: 

I love how my mornings begin, a first grateful prayer to my mind and lips, just a thankful thought and smile for my existence, and then I'm on to breathwork and meditation, followed by a yoga practice that grows ever more spontaneous and flowing each morning. I am truly blessed within these early hours, being so completely still and dark and seemingly belonging to me alone. 

there's no regret for my even earlier bedtime. 

these morning hours are just cherished too deeply. 

 they're Brahma Muhurta, 

my hours with God.

my best explanation for this, if one is really needed, is that I am called to these hours as a time of self reflection, developing an intimate relation to the presence of God within, a relationship that defies any description, but is known so completely as the very fabric of my existence. This isn't a deity that calls for my worship, yet I am devoted to waking earlier each morning to spend my time within this unfolding presence, looming ever larger in my life now. 

truly, not a deity at all,

but simply life, reality, awakening within me.

and so I find myself waking up well before dawn, several hours actually, and give my time to this devotion, happily, and each morning my connection to this presence only deepens. I use the term Brahma, or God, yet only for the sake of reference. The reality is just life itself, an aware sense of beingness and a feeling that I belong completely to these morning hours. 

it's a sense of being claimed.

or reclaimed, really.

and I'm curious of this mystery, 

how it calls to me each morning, asking only for my surrender.

and I gladly give myself away.

devoted to its call.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: My Headless Posture 

Also, please visit to buy: Who Am I? 

Thank you, Eric 

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