Monday, April 22, 2024

My Headless Posture

My headless Posture:

when asked which yoga asana was best for self-realization, Ramana Maharshi replied that it was the posture of the heart that one must position themselves in, taking our seat as consciousness itself and remain unwavering in our steadiness and ease here. Pressed further and he stated that only one posture was truly necessary, sukhasana, easy pose, and that this is the asana of happiness, no other posture needed for one seated in this way. Sukhasana is the heart pose, it's where we take our seat as awareness without strain or effort, our authentic posture of self-realization. 

Simply sitting as we are. 

I love to think of this as my headless posture, my place of revelation where the yogi disappears and only the yoga of life remains, an infinite display of seamless wonder, the world already in union with the divine. This the is heart center, my only true place of worship, and the easiness of sukhasana gives me reason to smile at my years of effort. 

it was right here all along. 

yet I was too busy performing complicated asanas.

entirely missing what is ever present.

it's not that yoga isn't a worthwhile practice, indeed it's brought me years of joy and opened me to a great source of energy. But the irony is that only one posture was ever really needed, the easiest of them all, and it was simply sitting comfortably until my true self was revealed. So sukhasana is a posture of inquiry, a seat designed for self-revelation, it's where the yogi is revealed as the source of every asana, the very beginning and endpoint of yoga practice. 

this heart-seat is my yoga.

simply sitting...

and reality revealed.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Giving My Surrender 

Also, please visit to buy: Be As You Are 

Thank you. 



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