Thursday, April 18, 2024

Hardwired for Meditation

Hardwired for meditation: 

some people are natural drawn to meditation, sitting for an extended period of time with either breath or mantra as their gentle focus. Others favor more dynamic methods such as a flow of yoga asanas, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or Sufi twirling. Yet for many there doesn't seem to be meditative path they're suited for, perhaps believing that they're not meant to have a quiet mind or enjoy a moment of true stillness. 

but we all are.

we're hardwired for meditation.

and it's as simple as walking, gently so, being surrounded by nature as it's found, in the company of trees, flora, and even the smallest patch of grass will do if we give it our attention. Our brains are designed to be drawn to fractals, it's a factor of resonance, the brains patterns matching the construct of nature and settling into an easy rhythm and alpha waves, with studies showing a reduction of stress by up to 60% after even moments of this natural exposure. 

and amazingly it happens completely on its own. 

with least effort

 it seems we're hardwired for meditation. 

naturally so. 

fractals are the patterns of nature, self-replicating at different scales, and they're found throughout every landscape without need of searching them out. They're present to the eyes as soon as we step outside and gaze upon a single tree or blade of grass, belong to the ripple of a pond as a breeze sweeps a signature design across its surface. Nothing need be sought for, no effort given, we are awash in fractals from the moment we emerge from house to nature. 

and that's our meditation. 

as simply and easy as that.

we just need to leave our busyness and distractions behind, or at least to get the full benefits of what fractals offer, turning their gift of healing into an actual practice that never fails us. This is where a little effort is needed, an intent to surrender to the experience of nature, not splitting our attention to a screen or play of music. We only need to be in nature, fully so, and even if the mind wanders we will soon be drawn back to the beauty of the world, those patterns of intelligence designed to quiet even the busiest mind. It seems we're hardwired for this to happen. 

an easy meditation. 

naturally so. 


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Much the Same 

Also, please visit to buy: Walk and Talk 

Thank you. 

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