Sunday, April 7, 2024



it seems I'm easing into spring with less pain and a more fluid sense of body, my back injury noticeably improving each morning as I approach my once again comprehensive yoga asana routine. There's a growing sense of joy as I leave this painful aspect of winter behind and regain my mobility just in time for warmer days of spring's activities. My earlier walks are longer and I find myself running more in my afternoon excursions. 

each day I'm easing more into a joyful body. 

leaving a pain filled winter behind.

or at least I hope that's so, at a certain age an injury's recovery is never fully guaranteed and this is an old and reoccurring one for me. Yet I am optimistic by nature and attempting to be smarter in my approach to healing, not rushing into the things I used to do, but viewing things through a wiser body, more patient now, and willing to ease into a sense of comfort. 

oddly though, it was only when I expanded my asana sessions to include the postures that brought be the most challenge that I began to see my greatest improvements. Almost instantly it seemed that pain subsided by a large degree and with its return each morning was lesser by degrees. Through at first this felt like an impatient rush into a more comprehensive practice, it turns out that it was an intuitive call for my body to return to what it most truly needed, access to a healing prana that was made available by opening myself to these harder asanas that I returned to. 

and with that I began to feel better.

not healed.

but healing. 

and so I'm easing into spring, leaving no small amount of pain behind, happy to be expanding once more in the joy of motion. There's a paradox here, and it's one I'm careful to explore. That it seems I'm easing into a new season with a leap, being careful with my healing by just the right amount of physical as well as emotional challenge. I need to do things just right, listening to that intuitive wisdom of my body and allowing my self to be guided through my practice. 

and this seems to be the art of healing...

easing into it with a leap,


yet always being mindful. 

and most importantly,

being grateful for every small degree of motion.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: Visual Haiku 

Also, please visit to buy: The Power of Now 

Thank you. 

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