Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Finally, Truly Learning Yoga

Finally, truly learning yoga: 

as my recent back injury improves and my yoga asana practice begins to reshape itself again, I find that I'm recommitting myself to the basics poses that brought me here. These are the postures that helped ease my pain and slowly rebuild my mobility, allowing me to continue my practice each morning while feeling firmly connected to my roots in yoga. 

it's not surprising that Vrksasana, tree pose, plays such a large role in my ongoing recovery, establishing a firm base, root deep, spine long and opening to the branching of my arms. I can feel my back healing in this pose, each vertebra settling into place properly aligned. Mountain pose is another, standing in Tadasana, strong and enduring as any mountain, committed to this position through the length of several breaths, mindful, an unwavering base of existence. 

there are several more asanas that made my practice so healing, some with gentleness and ease for my injured area, while others brought just bit of challenge for me to hold. It's exactly what I needed, a balance that helped maintain my strength and kept me engaged mentally, while also providing a safe balm of comfort that allowed for me to heal. So it's important for me to stay connected to these postures, to not gloss over them in my rush to be an advanced yogi again. The truth is, my mind settled more deeply into stillness with only a few committed postures, my focus sharper, and I rediscovered the value of each pose through the limits of my practice, an ongoing lesson of healing and surrender. 

after decades of practice...

I'm finally truly learning yoga.

deeper now than ever before.

 recommitting myself with each breath and every asana.


Peace, Eric 

To read more from Headless Now, please visit: My Hours With God

Also, please visit to buy: How to Practice Self Inquiry

Thank you. 

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